I use DE and straights regularly. I pack a Mach 3 with me for work because I stay in motels all week and don't want to pack my razor, strop, bowl and soap. Yes, I could just use cream on a brush and pack it in a bottle to keep it from getting everything wet.
Shaving Site this is a site I use a lot. I prefer Feathers for my DE. They just give me a great shave. Astra and Derby gave an ok one.
Photoman, I would recommend a closed comb DE with one of the two of a kind sampler packs from the site I linked. Get a cheap DE of the bay and you'll be good to go. I prefer the three piece myself. Easier to clean all the inner parts. You can get a tube or Proraso or Omega fairly cheap to start. Cream can usually be worked onto your face with fingers if you need to.
I have used my straight to shave my head numerous times. Just a bit different as only a small portion of the blade is actually touching your head.