While I think a year is a little early for a tobacco to be that different, that's the gamble with keeping a perishable product to age.
As for his tone, ehh. Your email ended stridently, and that probably set him off. I would say yours wasn't the only email about Stonehaven and the other Esotericas that day, and there were probably a few that were bat guano crazy, perhaps a few American "cellarers" willing to trade their daughters for a few bags of Penzance. Then you told him how you posted the whole conversation online, which probably further reinforced his opinion of you as a spoiled brat. How did you expect it would turn out? That he would cower at the mere mention of Pipesmagazine.com forum?
Germain's is a small operation, they put out a quality product the old fashioned way, next years production is already sold, they feel they are performing. If it bothers you, quit buying Germain's products. Honestly, quitting cold turkey now may be good. Germain's is such an anachronism, they probably won't be around too many more years.