STG Enough Already, Chicken Little, Or What?

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Oct 6, 2024
Ludlow, UK
In the wider scheme of things fine pipes and pipe tobaccos are really a niche first world topic and the tobaccopalypse is of zero importance, but keep in mind this is a niche first world forum, devoted to a very niche first world subject and market.

Yes, I'm aware that tobacco is ubiquitous in the world at large, but that's not been the focus here. Here, it's "fine" tobaccos and silly expensive luxury pipes, with the occasional nod to cobs, etc., as well as acquisitions and collecting, and reviewing tobacco, and about as precious as it can get. That's what enthusiast sites generally are, a bit precious, maybe with some practicality added for leavening.
- As the polar bear said of its lost iceberg when it collided with RMS TITANIC, what constitutes tragedy depends largely on where your heart is. I was trying to offer a consolation of philosophical stoicism aided by an historical perspective. The loss of anything good in this world that promotes happiness is a sad thing; but all things must pass.
I should have left this thread alone. I leave the rest of you to enjoy your indignation and misery without any further attempt at mitigation from me.


Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 11, 2020
This forum appears to have a core group of about 25 active contributors, with around 25 others participating sporadically. Many users, like myself, tend to lurk without engaging, as the discussions often lack sufficient value to justify contributing. Consequently, the forum primarily consists of a small group exchanging opinions, offering limited influence or meaningful content for broader engagement.

(Hence, My still limited amount of posts vs my time since becoming a member).


Apr 26, 2013
I've stayed out of this because no one was going to like my opinion. It's not great when something you like goes away, I empathize, but try to keep this in perspective. WHO estimates 750 million people in the world don't have enough to eat daily. They also estimate that 50% of all child deaths are from malnutrition. Those are real problems the world needs to solve. Losing your favorite blend is a minor inconvenience at best. Commence firing.
All the pipe makers who charge north of $1,500 for a pipe are marching on your house, hippie...


Mike N

Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 3, 2023
Northern Panhandle of West Virginia
I thought the world was over when I was 6 and the networks canceled Leave it to Beaver and Jonny Quest … then 40 years later the re-runs popped back up on TV Land. The only problem with hoping that the same thing happens with HH Rustica and Sutliff Cringle Flake is that in 40 years I’ll be 107 and no way the nursing home has a smoking lounge in the year 2065. The horror of it all.

Mike N

Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 3, 2023
Northern Panhandle of West Virginia
People should be angry at the former Mac Baren owners, not STG. STG saw a failing business and offered to gobble them up. Mac Baren had been poorly managed by the son for years. He is to blame.
Um, no.

In 1887 the company was acquired by Harald Halberg (“HH”) (1850- 1919) and later taken over by his son Einar Halberg (born 1881) and grandson Jørgen Halberg (born 1915). The company was renamed the Mac Baren Tobacco Company in 1995. Jørgen’s son, Henrik Halberg ran the company until his untimely death in 2021. The last CEO at the helm of the company was Simon Sophus Nielsen.

source: Our High Quality Tobacco History - Mac Baren -
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Pipe & a walk

Nov 20, 2024
WHO estimates 750 million people in the world don't have enough to eat daily. They also estimate that 50% of all child deaths are from malnutrition. Those are real problems the world needs to solve. Losing your favorite blend is a minor inconvenience at best.

Invoking the old- you have no right to complain about 'X' because there's "starving children in Africa" logic is beyond pathetic.

Hopefully your concern for the world's hungry reminds you that you're a good person the next time you catch your own reflection in the mirror.

No, people have a right to complain about inflation, potholes in their street, and the everyday problems of life without being lectured that anything short of starving children is not worthy of serious discussion

If people want to complain about STG buying up the small guy so they can destroy their equipment/facilities to boost profit, they should be able to do so on a website dedicated to the subject matter.

STG just slapped the pipe smoking community in the face and in effect said what are you going to do about it?

Troutface's response- nothing, because of childhood malnutrition.

The apathy around here is sickening.

I guess all the doers are on the cigar forums
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Pipe & a walk

Nov 20, 2024
I've stayed out of this because no one was going to like my opinion. It's not great when something you like goes away, I empathize, but try to keep this in perspective. WHO estimates 750 million people in the world don't have enough to eat daily. They also estimate that 50% of all child deaths are from malnutrition. Those are real problems the world needs to solve. Losing your favorite blend is a minor inconvenience at best. Commence firing.
All of you who liked that ridiculous comment need to give your head a shake!

Troutface is using what's called the 'fallacy of relative privation'

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Can't Leave
Sep 10, 2020
"How dare people on a discussion forum specially dedicated to pipe tobacco discuss one of the most significant and disruptive developments to happen to the pipe tobacco industry in the last century?
I must start a new thread about why we must stop discussing this topic weeks after the discussion of the topic was starting to die off so people know how above/too cool I am for worrying about/discussing the topic..."

All it's missing is the obligatory snide, condescending "Well at least I have MY 500lb cellar that I bought for 37 cents and a used condom back in *completely subjective boomer era* when tobacco was better than any of you unwashed plebs from the generation of my own children will ever be able to comprehend..." and we'd have the forum codger trifecta lol


Mar 15, 2023
Olympia, Washington
All of you who liked that ridiculous comment need to give your head a shake!

Troutface is using what's called the 'fallacy of relative privation'

Yeah this is a forum about pipe smoking, of course we're going to be talking about that and not world hunger. Do I think world hunger is more important than not being able to buy more Crumble Kake? Of course I do, but world hunger isn't what I signed up here to talk about.


Mar 15, 2023
Olympia, Washington
I think that, if someone from any time up to the mid 19thC were to have read (or had read to them) these Sutcliff/Macbaren/STG threads, they would be astonished to learn that so many varieties of tobacco were universally available. It really wasn't until the late 19thC that consistent, branded merchandise became generally marketed in the First World and when you look at all the different tobacco brands (and manufacturers) that used to exist then but disappeared a few years later, it all begins to fall into a different perspective.

For three generations we have been mentally conditioned to expect choice and to follow brand. We don't have to accept that conditioning. I mean, even 100 years ago only a minority of smokers exercised the kind of multifarious choices (to say nothing of a connoirsseurship arguably bordering on the effete) that now seems normal to this modern minority we comprise.

Even in the 20thC First World - I speak of Europe - there were dark times when people counted themselves lucky to get tobacco of any kind at all. I once saw a cartoon - I wish I could find it for you - of two Channel Islanders during the German occupation during WW2. The caption read:

"My horse's tail is gone? Dammy, I had to smoke something."
True and back then named varietals were new developments, even burley and VA. Before then it was Nicotnina or Rustica and that was it.
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