I've ordered Condor from both Peterson and the Pipe Divan without any problem, and as regards credit card fraud checking, one phone call to my bank resolved that.
To me most tobaccos offered by UK tobacconists don't appear to be worth the price for which they sell or ship, but I feel Condor is a major find even so. I'd smoke a great deal more of it were it not so expensive. I'm hot on St. Bruno, and also Yachtsman, Walnut, Warrior and Mick McQuaid plugs, which I believe are available from both the Pipe Divan and James Fox; Dark Plug Rose Geranium and Bosun Plug and others from Glynn Quelch's GQ Tobaccos; and the German HU Tobaccos, which hopefully won't be as expensive as UK tobaccos.
There was a reference to James Fox's prohibitive US shipping policy, and in an interview from ~2012 Mr. Quelch said he also couldn't ship to the US, but I saw nothing on James Fox's website stating this, and apparently a member has bought successfully from Mr. Quelch. Maybe shipping policy changes rapidly, but these prohibitive policies might also be nothing more than old, internet echos.
These tobaccos may be just that good and worthy of the price; Condor is. But being overenthusiastic about cellaring them in quantity would be appear to be a dream in the same way as purchasing fine cigars @ $10 and up per stick.