Handling loose cut tobacco is generally much more familiar to most people - I found it simpler to just go that route from the start. If someone grew up in the UK and all they ever smoked was flakes, I'd understand their different POV! You'll find varied burning rates and some say varied flavours according to your method of choice, so feel free to play around with them later on. (I assume you've been browsing the links on the left hand side)
It'd dry faster if it was rubbed out first... Don't get me wrong, you don't want it crispy, but if it is a bit tacky to the touch and you are having trouble lighting up then that's likely the problem.
Today feels like my first time smoking a pipe, I'm having so many problems myself - I should probably be the last person to give you advice! :lol:
My tastebuds seem off, my cob stems arent' fitting right, my rehydrated tobacco is too moist, my new Gawith tin was dinged enough that the seal was broken, even Prince Albert wouldn't burn properly... It's just one of those days I guess.