Old dudes love complaining about anything that changes.
View attachment 378693
We sure do:
orders@smokingpipes.com via sendgrid.info
Mon, Aug 1, 2011, 12:22 AM
to me
Dear ,
Please find a summary of your order below, thanks for shopping with Smokingpipes.com! Please feel free to reply to this e-mail if you have any questions or comments.
Order Number-------------------------
Billing/Shipping Address:
Items Ordered
Craftsbury: Frog Morton 100g (#003-041-0012): 1
Item Total: $15.02
Craftsbury: Frog Morton Across the Pond 100g (#003-041-0069): 1
Item Total: $15.02
Craftsbury: Frog Morton on the Bayou 100g (#003-041-0014): 1
Item Total: $15.02
Craftsbury: Frog Morton on the Town 100g (#003-041-0017): 1
Item Total: $15.02
Special: Anniversary 100g (#003-041-0075): 1
Item Total: $15.53
Subtotal: $75.61
Shipping ( UPS: 2nd Day Air): $14.59
Total: $90.20