Smoking unfinished bowl next day (or two)

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Feb 21, 2013
I do this fairly regularly, often between later in the evening and the afternoon of the next day. It's not the optimal way to enjoy a blend, and I wouldn't choose it for a special/expensive blend, but to tell the truth, I seldom notice any decrease in flavor, and sometimes it burns a little better for drying.


Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 11, 2019
Wausau, Wis
I do this sometimes, and it's hit or miss, depending on the blend and how much is left in the bowl. Usually, within 24 hours, and when the bowl is equal to or greater than half smoked (criminal, I know), the results are good to great. Otherwise, better to just dump, clean, and pack a fresh one. I now have enough tobacco stored up that I don't need to worry about scrimping. Maybe if the prices shoot up I'll have a different opinion.


Oct 28, 2020
I do so all the time, as when I step out for a walk, I load a new one, even though there may be several partially smoked bowls.

If the tobacco is dry enough to begin with, it won't be a soggy mess when left overnight- or days more. No loss of flavor, no restriction on type, except no aromatics or PG treated blends,
I do it, too--almost every day. I'll smoke up until falling asleep, half the time leaving the pipe on the nightstand by the bed or next to the frid on the kitchen counter. Upon waking, I get up and light up--some sort of Va blend or straight C&D Bright Va. I'll often pack two pipes for the close of the night and smoke all the first one as I get sleepy and half the second one (too lazy by then to want to get a pipe and pack it).

I rarely ever smoke the occasional cigar I enjoy first thing in the morning or last thing at night. Pretty much prefer pipes. But I did take several days to finish a cigar recently, putting the last 2 inches in a pipe and puffing occasionally over the course of probably 2 weeks. Yummy to me. And no waste, which I liked.



Can't Leave
Oct 7, 2020
Not uncommon for me to have a pipe leftover from the previous night to fire back up the next day or day after. It is always dependant on where I put it and when I come back across it.

Sometimes it's just fun to try and remember what blend was put in there..


Mar 8, 2021
The Netherlands (Europe)
I've never done it, if I'm done I'm done and dump the remains, but I rarely don't finish a pipe. A cigar I tried and it didn't work out for me, even with extensive purging and cutting the burned foot off. This might work when your in de 2nd third or half way down, but the last third had allready so much steam build up that it doesnt make the cigar any better.


Sep 12, 2020
Spain - Europe
I don't like to take up smoking the next day or days after. It happens to me sometimes with cigars.Some night it happens to me with pipe tobacco, because I was very tired, the tobacco was a little strong, or I used a pipe with a higher capacity, it was too long and the tiredness tells you that it is time to go to bed. When I smoke outside the house and I did not have time to finish in the street or on the terrace of the golf club, which is where I smoke the most. There is something different about the smoke. Something similar to what our friend DanWil84 describes.

Egg Shen

Nov 26, 2021
This happens all the time. I often nurse a bowl over a few days. But if it tasted bad, I’d dump it, but often it’s fine to smoke a few days later.

If you dislike left leftovers just pack smaller amounts in your pipe, or get a small-bowled pipe.
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Dec 16, 2014
North Carolina
I don't do this very often and then almost never intentionally. On occasion, I'll try to re-light a found partially filled pipe, but most times I just dump it out. For me DGT results in muted ashy flavors, I don't like re-lighting cigars that have been left out either. If I don't have much time I'll select a pipe with a small bowl, or partially fill a pipe with the amount of tobacco I think I'll have time for.
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Sep 12, 2020
Spain - Europe
I don't do this very often and then almost never intentionally. On occasion, I'll try to re-light a found partially filled pipe, but most times I just dump it out. For me DGT results in muted ashy flavors, I don't like re-lighting cigars that have been left out either. If I don't have much time I'll select a pipe with a small bowl, or partially fill a pipe with the amount of tobacco I think I'll have time for.
Muted ashy. Yes, that's the feeling that could be what I notice. Logically, it is not the same as fresh out of the can and smoked fresher, with its properties intact. So I avoid leaving a pipe half finished for many hours or days. The law of degradation does not forgive anything or anyone. And if I were to get a rough and boring smoke, I would not hesitate to throw the tobacco to hell, even if it was my best and most appreciated tobacco.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 3, 2021
New Jersey
It happens with me. I sometimes prefer a straight Virginia in the mornings with coffee and many times don't get to finish it before heading to work. When I get home, I scrape off the top ash and relight. No issues here. However, if there are, as others have said, just dump and reload.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 11, 2021
Malaga, Spain
It happens to me mostly when I smoke some slow burning flake while watching a boring movie and suddenly I feel like I need to go to sleep.
The following day it tastes a bit ashy to me, definitely less enjoyable than a fresh smoke, but I smoke it anyways ;)
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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 3, 2022
Toronto Canada
Great to hear all of the advice on this. I think I've solved this conundrum by acquiring a small cob (Thanks @ben88). Most of my pipes have normal, but fairly sizable bowls when you consider the time of year. With the snow and cold weather here lately, I've been using this cob when I walk the dog. I don't mind clenching down on the stem while warming my hands and find it much easier to finish the bowl. I know my walk is over either when my lighter craps out because of the cold, hands are freezing, or the bowl is finished. No long leisurely smokes for me right now, so small pipe is the way to go. I don't think it will be a hard fast rule for me, but I'm definitely preferring a fresh bowl over the DGT both from a taste and ceremony perspective.
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