I'm amazed at how many members regard their pipe smoking as a 'hobby'. To me it's a method of smoking that I find relaxing but that's it...I would never regard it as one of my hobbies. Pipe
collecting however I would put into that bracket.
My actual hobbies include mineral collecting, particularly
micro mineral collecting where the object of interest is measured in millimetres and only visible through a microscope. I also use particular photographic techniques to image my collection.
My interest in philology and the origins of words got me into collecting antique dictionaries which I do actually read...not cover to cover, I just like to browse and see how certain words were defined in times past. I also like to solve and compile cryptic crosswords, that I find to be very relaxing.
Being almost housebound my interests have to suit my situation and therefore may not sound so exciting as some of the hobbies listed above but I enjoy them very much, plus they keep me out of mischief :
