Well, I'm rather surprised to hear that many here are chased out of their own homes to have a puff [Like a puppy with excessive gas

I would not be okay with that [And might go some way to explaining why I'm now single . . . and loving it

If I were cohabitating I'd smoke semi-aro's inside and probably save my 'stinky' ones for when I was outside.
When I smoked cigarettes i always smoked outside when my boy was home but when I switched to a pipe when he was 14yo he told me not to because he enjoyed the smell of my pipe blends.
When I entered my living space in the mornings my home usually smelled of stale cigarette smoke but I've not noticed any smell since switching to a pipe.
I'm not entirely certain but I think that smoking low nic mild blends goes some way to explain why that is.