My wife and I walk the dog around the entire downtown part of our city every day. Walking with a pipe is a great way to start out, because the key part of truly enjoying a pipe (IMO) is forgetting about the pipe. I mean, that like with driving, in the beginning, we have to think, clutch, let off gas, shift, let of clutch, while giving more gas... etc... But, then after a while, we aren't even thinking about shifting. And, it's not too long before we barely remember the drive home that we make every day.
Imagine smoking your pipe, where you barely remember what you did when you packed the pipe. Not remembering what you did while you were smoking. You just lit your pipe and enjoyed it, without the bother of all of the stupid stuff that drives us nuts in the beginning, like the pack, the light, tamping, etc...
Walking with your pipe makes this a lot easier, because you are already (NOT) thinking about so many things, left foot, right foot, shift weight to keep balance... Soon, add smoking to the things not thought about. Then you can just enjoy the best parts of smoking, which is the flavors and nicotine. :