On a more serious note, I would wager sales of both red and green bar would increase if the scent was toned down some as it really is so overpowering. I very much doubt the original had such a pervasive stench.
Jay funnily enough thats what the original smelled like but we just amped up the topping for the American market based on a broad market research and extensive testing on Jim Inks!
Shit.... Give me some of that. Sounds right in my wheelhouse.
I love GH&Co. Grassmere, Ennerdale, and the like. SG Cannon Plug ain't bad either. SG Special Flake #1 and #2 are excellent. SG RB Flake is a mainstay.
I gotta order some of this War Horse in both versions soon.
It really amazes me that the owners sell this blend by exaggerating the nastiness of it. I wonder how many people get the blend and are disappointed because it really is a pleasant aroma... at least after they get over the chemical headache. ::
It must be working, I'm sold now. Turpentine, valerian, shoe polish, opium, lavender... got a lot going for it. Does it remove graffiti and polish shoes?
"What about the old watch dials, could you get enough of them to gather sufficient radium?"
Let's not forget radium toothpaste and radium condoms :crazy:
The whole advertising campaign was designed by the well known off Madison Avenue PR firm called Acme Adventurous Advertising LLC. The campaign was handled by Mr. W. E. Coyote who pioneered the concept of negative selling by making an item seem so terrible and unappealing that you just had to give it a go. Other examples of Mr. Coyotes successful campaigns involves selling cat turds as Tootsie Rolls and the well known campaign for the home brain surgery kit for the under 12 market sold through Toys Are Useless. Other notable successes include the famous campaign on the subway for the Elmer Fudd Sphincter Stretcher and the Trump Butt Plug and Pipe Tamper. :rofl: