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Oct 20, 2010
OK. 45 years old with glorious bride, married 18 years. Two kids in Jr / Sr high. Worked in mortgage for the last 16 years. Play with wood, mostly turning, for about 5 years. Drive a pickup with 214,000 on it. The hair started retreating and going grey at 18, so added the beard at 25. Normally, I act the scholarly wise man, but inner clown often escapes.



Jan 13, 2011
Port Coquitlam, B.C.
I'll bite...
I (Adam Smith) am a 30 year old, and although not technically married, have been engaged to the same girl long enough to consider her my wife (13 years now...yes, high-school sweet-hearts). We have an overly precocious 8 month old boy who take up the majority of my "spare" time. We currently make our home in Port Coquitlam, B.C., a suburb of Vancouver, and have recently been joined by my 89 year old grandfather, as his mind is beginning to decline, and I just can't bring myself to put him in a home.

For employment, I am Junior Partner in a business consulting firm (I hold an MBA, although my initial major was food sciences) and dabble in immigration consulting, and controlling interest in a custom smoked seafood company (which never seems to actually get out of the red).

Any free time that I do manage to take advantage of is usually spent either on the golf course, at an SCA event, or fishing/hunting/camping/generally in the woods.

I rate myself as a beginner pipe smoker, although due to my sensory evaluation training, I do like to think that I have a small leg up, at least in flavour/aroma profiling of tobacco (and yes, I do keep a profile sampling kit near my pipe stand, for those hard to peg notes).

I am also an avid reader, pretty much anything I can get my hands on - only down side is that once I start a book, I have to finish it; no matter how much it pains me to do so. As one can gather from my being SCAdian, I particularly enjoy historical (non/) fiction, with my current favourite authors being Jack Whyte and Ken Follet.



Can't Leave
Aug 4, 2010
Little Rock
Adam, 2 thumbs up for taking care of your grandfather. I know it can't be easy but good for you and your family for taking on the burden of caring for him. :clap:



May 18, 2009
The Netherlands
I gotta do this.
I'm Sander Pos, 18 years old and I live in the Netherlands.

Currently I'm studying electronics on a school in Amsterdam, it is quite interesting but I'm not quite sure if I enjoy the way I'm going with this as my interest doesn't go as deep as what I learn here I usually get distracted in class very easily, it bothers me but for some reason I enjoy daydreaming alot.

People usually say I'm a very calm person, at the moment there's only one person that can get me really mad (stupid little brother!!!)

In my spare time I try make stop-motion animations, probably one of my favourite ways to spend my time although I barely have that nowadays.

I wanted to go further with this hobby but my father doesn't want that, he wants me to become a rich and intelligent person.

He always had hard times with money and he doesn't want me to get the same trouble he had.

It bothers me.

I have played trumpet for 5/6 years, not the best at it, it was enjoyable, I also have a harmonica, definitely one of my favourite instruments, I practice, I'm not good at it yet.

Woodworking is something I enjoy alot too, I have once made a simple three string guitar and I have been experimenting with wooden gears.

I will eventually make my own pipe, I just need to find some good wood.

As for smoking, I have lit my first pipe about a year ago (I think) and it was quite the experience, I haven't smoked alot in the time that has passed but that's about to change.

Smoking some tobacco while gazing at the stars and just wondering why is soo soothing.
Hope you guys enjoyed it, it was quite hard to convert some of my thoughts into english although I think I did quite well.

Quite so.



Dec 28, 2010
I am 56 years old and divorced/single.
I have lived in Florida over 30 years prior to that I was raised in the Midwest. I am originally from Puerto Rico.
I have two beautiful daughters in completing her MBA the other in Harvard Medical School.
My hobbies are many and include reading, movies, travel, playing guitar, bass fishing, hunting, competitive trapshooting, cooking, watching Polo, and now collecting/smoking pipes.
I just started my interest in pipes this past Thanksgiving (I was/am not a smoker) and have already acquired 21 pipes....Nording-4, Peterson (Silver Bands)-7, Savinelli-1, Kriswell-2, Eriksen-4, No Names-2, and Corncob-1. My experience with pipe tobaccos is limited to the house blends of the local shop.
I am a partner/owner in a financial advisory firm (stocks, bonds, retirement planning, trusts, etc.). Prior to this I had a career in senior executive management in "big corporate america".
I have an MBA in Finance and am also a CPA (but I have a personality).



May 18, 2009
The Netherlands
Ah, thanks for the welcome.

Technically I should be welcoming you since I've been here before you.... but seeing my activity I could've joined last week. :P

Anyway it's good to know that I wasn't the only one that also blows on pipes aside from sucking on them.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 21, 2010
It's interesting that there are so many younger gentlemen throughout this thread. I'm a 60 year old marriage and family therapist in West Palm Beach, Florida. I've been married (to the same woman) for the past 40 years, have two children and a gaggle of grandchildren. The youthful energy evident at offers real hope for the future of quiet discourse among those who enjoy their pipes in the company of like-minded persons.



Jan 20, 2011
All right I will give this a whirl.....

My name is Ryan I am 35 years old have been married for three years and have a beautiful daughter who will be 2 next month.

I recently moved outside of Jacksonville Florida. Before that I was born and raised in Boca Raton Fl. It actually was a great place to grow up it was actually a small town, not the resort retirement hell hole it is now. So be it.

I am one of those poor schlubs who lost their job when the economy tanked. My business was window manufacturing and installing and beleive it or not those skills do not translate into other opportunities.

So I am a stay at home dad taking care of the most important thing I have ever done with my life.Why I chose now with such limited finances to pick up pipe smoking I will never know.

My wife is supportive of my new found hobby but I want to graduate from my $4 corncob and smoke something more sophisticated. Some day...



Jun 5, 2010
Cornelius, NC
Ryan: Which style of pipe do you like? I don't have any extra pipes now, but will try and round you up one in the near future so that you can have an official looking pipe. There are guys on here with 100+ pipes, so maybe someone can also chip in to get you a good pipe.
Have you tried many tobacco's yet? If not, I'll send you a sampler package out. Shoot me a PM with your address.



Might Stick Around
Feb 1, 2011
Ill give it a shot as well,

My name is Ed Magilton Im 39 years old and I live in upstate New York.I am originally from Yonkers,New York where I was born and went to school.I met my wife in high school,we have been together 22 years and married 17.We have two children,the boy is 16 and the daughter is 14,they drive us insane but are fun as hell to be around.We have 2 dogs,a Nowegian Elkhound and a Chocolate Lab and although I hate to admit it a fat cat.We built our home 9 years ago,moved away from the city and havent looked back once.

Since moving I have had the time to enjoy the outdoors more than I ever did.Me,my son and daughter hunt,fish,ice fish and shoot clays together.My son and I went on a trip to Rooster Ridge in Chamberlain South Dakota hunting pheasant this past fall and had a blast,no pun intended.

My wife and I are into cooking,antique shopping and riding my Harley.We are together alot and to be quite honest it isnt as bad as youd think it is.She cant get too upset if I get into trouble because she was with me.

Ive always been fascinated with pipes since I was a lil guy.One of my grandfathers and a great uncle both smoked pipes and when I was younger I was around the both of them alot.Watching them loading,tamping,cleaning and actual smoking had always amazed me.I actually started smoking a pipe on my 18th birthday.It was then that my father believed me to be mature enough to have my grandfather's pipes and rack.I inherited an old rusticated Bari#833 Dublin shape,a Dr Grabow Viscount in the Dublin shape,a Dr Grabow Golden Duke billiard,another Grabow Grand Duke apple and a GBD #7861 billiard which needs a stem replacement.Since then I have bought and collected close to 100 pipes.

Clays,cobs,brylons,briars and meerschaums are all in my collection.For the past 15 years I have mainly been buying Petersons to both smoke and some just to collect.There are Arans,Donegals,spigots,kaprufs,meer lined,flame grains and Irish seconds I smoke.I have also purchased some Weber pipes and have brought the briar and stems back to life.

I guess you can say that I have matured due to the fact that I no longer purchase pipes on impulse.Now when I see a pipe that catches my eye Ill make sure that its really something that Ill enjoy more than just a few times.

Well enough of my ramblings.In closing I just want to say that it was great stumbling across this web site and getting to know all of you.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 23, 2011
Here Goes... I'd like to preface this post by saying that this sort of communication is pretty unusual for me, but, for a reason I can't put my finger on, this forum really feels genuinely friendly and comfortable. I think it is worth the effort to open up a bit. The people here seem sincerely warm and I think it will be very pleasant to make some new friends.
My name is Stacen, I am 37 and I am a Marine Engineer. I have never been married and don't have any children. I have ,however, been fortunate to have had several great loves over the years. I have lived a pretty unorthodox life, I've done all sorts of different things for money and haven't lived in the same place for more than 10 months in the last 20 years. To keep this post from becoming the worlds most boring and self indulgent novella, I'll just mention where I come from, a little about my self, a little about pipe stuff and where I am now. I was born in Nova Scotia. I was raised by my Granddad, who was a commercial fisherman and owned his own boat. I made my first trip to sea with him when I was 14 and worked seasonally as a commercial fisherman till I was in my early 20's. I have always been pretty free thinking, and not overly concerned with following convention. I have been very lucky with travel and work. As I mentioned I have had a ton of different jobs, and have lived all over the world. I am sort of proud that I managed to get my feet on all 7 continents by the time I was 30. Right now I work (and live) on an expedition yacht. I have been on it for the last 5 years or so. The boat is a private vessel and serves as platform for the owner to go saltwater flats flyfishing with his buddies. The boat doesn't have a home port, but we spend quite a bit of time off the east coast of Africa, and in the pacific Ocean. I work 4 months on and 2 off. I don't have a home or any major possessions, but I do have some things in storage in 2 locations (San Francisco and the Isle of Wight in the UK). Right now the boat is in south Florida for a maintenance period, so I am as well. I started smoking a pipe when I was about 16, not seriously at first, some of the old fellas that fished with my grandad smoked so I gave it a try, I have smoked on a occasional basis since then. I have always found the pipe smoking experience to be a profoundly satisfying one. More recently I have gotten exposed to all the nuances and more subtle pleasures of the hobby. I have built up a little collection of about a dozen pipes, but really feel the urge to splash out on few nice items as a treat to myself. In my line of work it is very difficult to accumulate too much of anything, and I really want to have something other than my tools to fuss over and take care of. Since I have become more educated about our hobby I have really started to appreciate the beauty in the pass time and I think I might put some effort into getting a limited rotation of pipes to put in a hardcover travel case to bring with me as part of smoking kit. Something about that really appeals to me!!! I love the offerings from Peterson and the pride of my little collection are a Peterson Meerschaum and a B5 with a clear finish and Celtic banding. My favorite tobacco at the moment is the Dunhill Delux Navy Rolls, it was love at first bowl for me.
Well like I said I really like this forum and appreciate the good qualities of it's members, Hello to everyone and enjoy your Sunday.
P.S. Uncle Arthur, I saw the pics of your Bulldogs ( my favorite shapes) and they are truly magnificent, I can only imagine the pleasure you had in finding them!!!
To the gentleman from West palm Beach, do you have any favorite tobacconists in the area?



Jun 5, 2010
Cornelius, NC
Ed and Stacen: Outstanding posts and welcome to the forum. These two posts are what this thread was designed for...highly enjoyable. :clap:



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
The people here seem sincerely warm and I think it will be very pleasant to make some new friends.
We're glad to have you amongst us here, and thank you for the compliment from all of us.

Thank you for the peek behind the curtain. These peeks make us all more real to each other.
Welcome to the fraternity.



Can't Leave
Dec 31, 2010
Ok, It took awhile, but I'm comfortable enough with this forum to present myself a little. Born and raised in the Midwest. Played a lot of ice hockey growing up but never quite made it to the top, played for the Blues's farm club then one day reality hit and realised that soon I'd be dropped with no other real world skills. I was rowdy and new internaly I needed a boot up my arse and some discipline. I signed up for the Infantry the next day. Spent about 6 years in service and after finishing my contract, started Univ majoring in Biology. Met a gal from Sweden and visited a few times, ended up having two wonderful kids and staying. I then studied Swedish language and International Sales and Marketing with an emphasis in tourism. Then yes, another lightning bolt hit me and I realised I was not ever going to be happy in an office of any kind. I went back to construction and graduated from Concrete and Steel Fixing College. I love my work now and take pride in building things I know will long out last me. I smoked a pipe from time to time for quite a long time actually, but never really stayed with it. I was a constant dipper. I don't know if it is the smell or memories of Grandad, but the pipe was a calling I recently answered back. I really enjoy this forum and all the great people here.



Mar 9, 2010
Thanks Stacen. I love my collection of antiques. Though they only get use now and then they are still mainly smokers as opposed to just looking pretty.

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