I'm Brant, aka morton on this, the only forum I go on. I am the headbrewer for a medium sized group of brewing companies in Saskatchewan Canada. I am 53 years old, was married once some years ago and have now found the love of my life who has put up with me for three years. I smoked a pipe off and on for many years but until the last couple of years, didn't really get the whole thing. Now with over 80 pipes and probably 50 kinds of tobacco, I am on a journey of discovery. I collect labrador retrievers (or so it seems) or maybe they collect me as I seem to have a whole bunch of them around at any given time. I have 4 (3 blacks and a yellow) that I rescued with me now, and she who's suggestions must be listened to, has mentioned that I don't have to rescue every dog I see that is in trouble. I am reluctantly seeing the wisdom of her ways. I ride motorcycles, drive but mostly work on my VW camper vans and antique 911 Porsche. I cook, drink, and spend a fair bit of time smoking pipes and reading the assorted comments of my fellow pipe forum members. Hobie1, you piqued my interest in Penzance and I can say truthfully that I quite like it. I enjoy almost every kind of pipe tobacco but have been on a Va, VaPer kick of late, to the point where I am adding perique to things - just to see how it will taste. Great in some stuff, not so good in others. I am going to end this, have to edit as Dekker (the biggest Lab) just stuck his nose on the keyboard and posted before I was finished. Glad I have met all of you ,hope to stay awhile.