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Aug 20, 2013
It's not my most expensive or best looking pipe by a longshot, however, it sure is the most reliable when it comes to delivering a good smoke. It was my first briar and has been smoked way more than any other pipe in my collection. This makes me wonder if the number of bowls smoked in a pipe could be a major factor in the depth of flavor that it delivers.

Savinelli Tortuga 673

View attachment 15853
That a pipe smokes better the more that it is smoked supports the claims about old wood and old Britwood, which although unproven/unprovable continue to capture the fancies of pipe smokers.

There was a column about "Old Wood" lately that to me made absolutely no point other than the subjective and very general, and in my smoking I found no evidence for this.

But the two pipes I saved should I recommence are two I most smoked, not because the wood, being old, smoked better, but because they were dedicated to my favorite tobacco, 100 g of which I also saved.

But to be truthful, lingering at the edge of consciousness, I do fancy that these pipes qualify as old wood and suspect they smoke better, but this without a shred of verification in the smoke.


Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
I have quite a few consistently good smokers. It would be nearly impossible to narrow them down to one or two. And I have some that may be mediocre with certain tobacco, but really shine with a particular blend or style.
I agree with this. All my pipes are really good smokers (don’t believe I’d keep em around if they weren’t) after posting the two pipes that I did, I started thinking about all my Neerup, Stanwell, Savinelli, Peterson and St. Regis pipes... they all smoke fantastic. I also really do like how cobs smoke but I just don’t smoke them much anymore as the chambers are either too small or too large for everyday smokes.


Jun 30, 2013
I don't know if it is my 'best' smoker but I find myself reaching for this little Scandia almost every day. It is one of my 'off rotation' work pipes. Great flake pipe.

I got it at the St. Louis show a while back. It set me back I can't remember if it was $15 or $30.



Feb 21, 2013
I savor most of my 92 (or so) pipes as best while I am smoking them. To name ten best smokers, I'd say: Ferndown smooth bent billiard; Ser Jacopo blast bent serpentine shank and stem Dublin; Nording zebra long-stemmed hunting pipe; Sav 673KS bulldog; Peterson B11's Shannon and Killarney; Johs freehand tomahawk with plateau on brim and shank; Johs straight smooth tapered billiard; two Kaywoodie pipes, a Saxon panel and a Saxon tapered blast billiard; a Jerry Perry smooth slightly bent poker carved of Mountan Laurel; and a Luciano blast billiard saddle stem. Plus ten or so cobs refitted or stock with acrylic stems, and many other choice briars and a meer. Any of those, and others, are my best smokers when the blend is right and things are going well.
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