1979 Peterson 05s: a bent acorn shape & 9mm.
I was curious why this 05 had a Kirk Douglas kind of a chin instead of rounded, so I asked Mark Irwin [petersonpipenotes.wordpress.com] for his thoughts:
"Yes indeed, this is a lovely little piece. The original 05 Dublin shape was only in production from 1979 to 1984 or so as part of the new set of System shapes introduced at that time. It was also made in an XL size, appeared as the Dunmore XL75 and the XL305 (maybe even an XL315 stamp in the U.S.).
It's got a V-shaped chamber typical of Dublin bowls, and my XL75 performs very well, requiring few relights. I haven't smoked my smaller 305 Dublin enough to make meaningful comment, but I think it will smoke as well as the larger version.
The shape was replaced by the 305
Calabash in 1984 because customers were complaining that the System reservoir wasn't working properly. I like the new shape, but the original smokes better, in my opinion.
The Sterling Silver line is, of course, a great line."