This pipe because of the back story that goes with it. I was in our nations capital and had visited a pipe shop earlier in the day . They had some unfinished stummels. I bought one and thought I'd give myself a shot a pipe making. After that, I was visiting the white house when a the Secret Service pressed our tour group against the wall and the president came walking by! Just as he was about to pass me, a mad man jumped out with a gun and took a shot at him. My brother, who can be an ass, farted loudly at the same time and then pushed me at the president so the president would think it was me! (Seriously, I can't tell you the number of times I have been blamed for his public farts. Jerk.) I caught the bullet in my pocket, which was housing the stummel. The stummel stopped the bullet! Well after the SS got off me, arrested the nut job (seriously, who tries to kill the president with a single shot 22?) and realized I was just a by stander who saved the president, they called me a hero! Since the president had been shot at before they hushed it up with our tour group but I got to have dinner with the president while I got the SS to give my brother a very thorough full body cavity search. We discussed the pros and cons of nuking Gary, Indiana. The president had never been there and I explained that other than the large KABOOM, there would be very little evidence he had done it and that the before and after photos would look exactly the same. The president in gratitude, gave me the presidential plate I ate off of. Yeah, you expected at least a car or something when you save the president, even if by accident, but at least it was something. United broke the plate in my luggage on the way home. Anyways, this is the pipe I had made from that stummel. I think about how cheap the president was every time I smoke it.
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