Ed: If you're not happy and have doubts, send it back. Doesn't matter what we say. If you are second guessing the pipe, you will never enjoy it. The slightest gurgle will make you go See I should have returned it. In other words, second guessing ? Return it. That's what it's for. Spend the money on something you'll enjoy
Now, that being said, do realize one thing. Full bents are often hard to get a pipe cleaner through. Especially if you get a Peterson. In the picture below you can see how the opening to the bowl is all the way at the top of the shank. The end of the mortise dead-ends as it were in what Peterson calls their "Moisture Traps". And no, this is not just the Peterson system pipes. A lot of Peterson pipes have it. In this particular one, a shape 68, I can jiggle and wriggle all I want, there is no way I get a cleaner to go through to the bowl. But that's not a big deal for me. The draw is wide open, it's perfectly centered (even though the picture is a bit of an angle) and it smokes like a dream. Anyways, just so you know. The whole "Pipe cleaner all the way through to the bowl" sometimes depends on the pipe. Hope it helps
Now, that being said, do realize one thing. Full bents are often hard to get a pipe cleaner through. Especially if you get a Peterson. In the picture below you can see how the opening to the bowl is all the way at the top of the shank. The end of the mortise dead-ends as it were in what Peterson calls their "Moisture Traps". And no, this is not just the Peterson system pipes. A lot of Peterson pipes have it. In this particular one, a shape 68, I can jiggle and wriggle all I want, there is no way I get a cleaner to go through to the bowl. But that's not a big deal for me. The draw is wide open, it's perfectly centered (even though the picture is a bit of an angle) and it smokes like a dream. Anyways, just so you know. The whole "Pipe cleaner all the way through to the bowl" sometimes depends on the pipe. Hope it helps