Do you guys notice, ever since we had smart phone, especially recently.... Sometimes, when we were face to face talking about something with our friends, not even text messages or using any apps on the phone, let's say we were talking about some products, the next day, or a few days after that, some advertisement regarding that product that we were talking about, would pop up in our social media, like FaceBook or Instagram
It's like..... Somehow, someway, somebody was listening to our conversation 

I was talking to my colleague during our dinner about the air purifier that my wife bought a two days ago. Just now, my colleague showed me the advertisement that popped up in his Instagram, asked me whether that was the one my wife bought. Exactly the same brand and same model! And we were just talking the other day, and it was me who showed him the picture, he didn't even take his phone out to search for the product!
Somebody is listening....... 

I was talking to my colleague during our dinner about the air purifier that my wife bought a two days ago. Just now, my colleague showed me the advertisement that popped up in his Instagram, asked me whether that was the one my wife bought. Exactly the same brand and same model! And we were just talking the other day, and it was me who showed him the picture, he didn't even take his phone out to search for the product!