and people wonder why I have a dumb phone (flip phone).
Actually the reason is actually two fold. Cheap which is good for a product I might leave in my pants pocket and put into the wash. I.e. highly replacable with low impact on finaces. The other is I already spend more time online then I think is healthy and don't need an excuss to do so when I could read a book or something more enriching like see if I have any belly button lint.
But hey nice bonus not having a spying device I paid for "right Alexa"?
Actually the reason is actually two fold. Cheap which is good for a product I might leave in my pants pocket and put into the wash. I.e. highly replacable with low impact on finaces. The other is I already spend more time online then I think is healthy and don't need an excuss to do so when I could read a book or something more enriching like see if I have any belly button lint.
But hey nice bonus not having a spying device I paid for "right Alexa"?