It's really a matter that the person doesn't smoke a pipe, ergo they do not know the correct manner of handling. Most men have no more of an idea of the proper handling of a pipe either. You have to see the problem coming and provide the proper instruction. My instruction regarding pipe was: Only I handle my pipes! Her instruction to me was: "Then keep them where they belong." She didn't and I, for the most part, did.
This is akin to a person not knowing that a cowboy hat should rest on its top, not on the brim, if you wish to keep the shape. My wife had to be taught that metal tools used in a damp environment need a coating of oil now and then, while the wooden handles get a bit of linseed oil. Neither her father nor any other man in the family ever thought to teach her or her mother how to treat tools so they would last. No-one ever suggested to either that a shovel needs to feel the touch of a file now and then.
Of course, after I taught her, I was forever putting an edge on her hoes and spades. Garden tools were always piled on my bench when winter came for rust removal, sharpening and oiling. She could do it, of course, but this was just of those "man jobs."
She never messed with my pipes other than to clean the area they resided in and they were always handled carefully. Bless he heart!