September Pax Crawl - Tobacco 101

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Can't Leave
Jul 11, 2014
Ok must have really liked the deep hallow cause in less than a week I polished it off and now I am wishing I had more I guess I will bump my score of this up to a 7 and go ahead and order some more.



Jun 4, 2014
United States
Deep Hollow is growing on me. I more appreciate the aroma of the smoke, than the actual taste of the tobacco, although, physiologically, I understand the two senses are closely related.
I've been trying to identify the flavors but can't put my finger on it, other than the Virginians. It is faintly reminiscent of some of the liquorish/anise aromatics I may have tried decades ago - or perhaps I'm recalling the scent of pipes smoked by uncles and grandfathers.
I did get an accolade on the room notes. I was stepping out of my car to gas it up, and a fellow commuter volunteered at the next pump that the blend I was smoking smelled good, and asked what it was. (The pipe was unlit when I started pumping, just so you know). I guess the smell reaked from my open car door and my clothes.



Jul 29, 2013
Having started on aros and loving VAs, I found this to be a good crossover blend. I get hints of vanilla and apple in the smoke and the VAs are very mild in this. For what it is, I love it, but it isn't something I would stock up on, though I would keep some around as a daily sort of smoke because it is mellow enough to smoke regularly around those who would otherwise be offended by a wafting English and I won't cry about not finishing a bowl and emptying it out early like I would another VA. It's better than an aro and lesser than a flake VA ... so it has its own niche for me.
I foresee myself making this a regular on a quarterly order.



Jun 4, 2014
United States
Smoked in a large Danish this morning. My tongue may be getting used to it or I'm smoking it cooler. Either way, I notice that spending a week with a blend does indeed help you appreciate the subtleties - or lack thereof - of new blends.



Dec 21, 2012
So since I picked this blend I suppose I'm expected to offer some insight as to what you should expect from it, but to tell you the truth I haven't a clue. I simply choose it because I had a sealed Tin in the cellar I've been meaning to try lol.
But from what I gathered from opening the tin recently. It's cube cut already which saves me the time which is good and expect a strong tin note once open. I hope me and you enjoy this pick I will be smoking it tomorrow after work in my Stanwell tulip.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2013
Excited to try this blend tomorrow.
After a few more bowls I am going to rank Dark Hallow as a solid 5/10. This is surprising for me because thus far I have really liked McClelland Virginias, this one just did not do it for me. I've had other aro vas that I like a lot more: Firedance Flake being one. I just think a virginia aro can be both a tasty virginia with a topping but Dark Hallow just didn't have enough on either end for me to be a repeat. If someone offered me a bowl I'd gladly take it but I won't buy it again.



Jun 4, 2014
United States
I learned first hand this week that it can take more than one or two bowls to fully appreciate a blend. I really didn't like the first bowl. I got tongue bite and their was more fragrance than flavor - and I didn't particularly like the fragrance.
But I smoked at least one bowl a day and sometimes two, except for the recover day from the bite. I lked it a little more each bowl I smoked. I think that several factors improved my impressions of the blend.
1. I learned how to smoke this particular tobacco,e.g., I increased the interval between puffs, I sipped a little slower, Ir rested the pipe when the bowl started to get hot, and in general approached the tobacco a little more gingerly.

2. The baccy dried out a little during the week, which may have helped it burn cooler.

3. An increasing familiarity with the blend in particular and aros in general helped me appreciate some of the subtleties. Yesterday, in the middle of the bowl, I found myself thinking, "This is actually tasty."
I rate it seven.
Regarding GLP Barbary Coast, I would class it as a light aromatic because of the liquor topping. I noticed no threat of tongue bite, and the flavor is unique but pleasant. To my taste, unique flavors in baccos is not always a good thing. I like this already and expect it will grow on me. As a matter of fact, I know I like it better than some GLP blends I have scattered around.



Jul 29, 2013
I agree with you, @Brass on the Deep Hollow. I'd classify it more aro than VA and did enjoy it quite a bit. I stuck my nose in the Barbary Coast tin last night and am intrigued to try it out later today possibly.



Dec 21, 2012
Ok thought i would kick off the Barbary Coast and i just like to say that i think most of you will enjoy this blend. I call it the Full Coarse Smoke and you can see why in my review posted below this.
My Crawl Rating is 9 out of 10 Shocker i know especially since i was coming out of the last crawl saying that i wasn't much of a burley guy. But i think this blend will shock you all in the sense that it does stand out amongst other burley based blends.
G.L. Pease - Barbary Coast



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2013
Smokey I am glad to see you enjoyed this blend but it was the first one that I have poured out halfway through and given up on. It had no redeeming characteristics for me. I may give it another go sometime soon out of respect for the crawl but in all honesty it just reminded me of a stale cigarette.



Dec 21, 2012
My sample had about a year and a half aging on it perhaps that made a little differences. But when I smoke it it's very complex from the mid bowl to the end. I'll admit the beginning of the smoke it a stretch of peppery sensation and if you don't like that you won't last long enough to get to the good stuff.



Jul 29, 2013
+1 lincolnsbark & rsuninv
Glad I'm not the only dissenter on Barbary Coast. Did not enjoy this one at all.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2013
I had my first bowl of Escudo today (I also do not want to jump the gun but goodness gracious that stuff is good). Big thanks to cmdrmcbragg for tossing in a sample for me.



Can't Leave
Jul 11, 2014
Ok Barbary Coast is not my favorite. While is smokes very we'll, has no bite, stays light and is very smooth the taste is not my cup if tea. All I tasted was the brandy flavoring and while there was other light flavors that came thru the brandy flavor drowned them out. The aroma prior to smoking and while smoking reminded me of the mild smell of brandy on someone that drank brandy all night and then tried to clean up for work. I can see how someone would enjoy this because it is obviously a well made blend and smokes very we'll but for me it is a no go. I give it a 4/10.



Jun 4, 2014
United States
Smokey, PM me your addy and I can send you a sample packet of Escudo.
BTW, will a first class stamp be enough to mail two or three bowls?



Dec 21, 2012
ya i use stamps all the time for small envelopes full of samples but giving it may take a few weeks maybe i should try and find it locally. so i can make this months review. however if i have anything that interests you in my open jars and tins let me know and ill send you samples anyway. Check out the link below to my cellar. most of whats there i have enough of the send samples.
Smokeybears cellar



Jun 4, 2014
United States
Several weeks? Is the Canadian postal service slow? From my experience, first class here is usually two or three days, sometimes up to 4 or 5 if it is slow.
What if I sent it priority mail?

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