September Pax Crawl - Tobacco 101

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Jun 4, 2014
United States

Smokey, I actually look forward to trying the blends I might normally choose. But yeah, not repeating a pick makes sense. And going forward, we might spend a month trying different VaPers, maybe even aros including a Lakeland.
Also, we can do themes based on Artisan blenders. at least one Artist has already agreed to guide down the line, and will prepare a sample package. I'll provide details and work it out with the blender and make sure it is ok with a future Selection Team



Jun 4, 2014
United States
Note regarding my comment to Smokey, correcting a typo: what I meant to say is that part of the attraction of the tobacco crawl is that I will be introduced to tobaccos I would normally NOT have chosen.
It was decent of twoonfive to solicit opinions about his choice. It is entirely within his right to pick what he wants, since it would be his turn. The only real rule is not to repeat one that we've already tried.
From on Epiphany
We have a delightful new light English blend called Epiphany. Epiphany is reminiscent of the original Revelation blend that was said to be the favorite of a certain reknowned thinker named Einstein. Epiphany is another classic Tarler/Runowski blend of Va, Burleys, Latakia and Perique in perfect balance and harmony.
Notes: Reminiscent of old original Revelation (not HOW version).
Brand Cornell & Diehl

Blended By Craig Tarler / Bob Runowski

Blend Type English

Contents Burley, Latakia, Perique, Virginia

Flavoring None

Cut Ribbon

Packaging Bulk

Country US

Production Currently available

Where to Buy BnB Tobacco

Product Image




Very Mild, Mild



Room Note

Pleasant to Tolerable



Jun 4, 2014
United States
To Tex:

What is VaPer vs VaPers tobacco
Nothing that I know of. Did I make a typo somewhere?

I like the way this is coming together as well. Thanks to everyone.

We now have two artisan blenders, well known to you all, who have agreed to put together a custom sampler just for our Tobacco Crawl. I'm thinking we'll talk to them again in September when we know which direction we're heading regarding new themes. The October Select guys might want to PM me if you have ideas that our artisans might help you with.
I would prefer not starting another thread until we finish our first crawl. My head is a little dizzy keeping up as it is. But it is kind of cool that the blend masters are willing to jump in.
BTW, if there is a vendor reading this that would like to participate somehow, please get in touch, especially if you're a Pipes Magazine sponsor, even if it is simply counsel, suggestions and guidance.



Feb 6, 2013
What is VaPer vs VaPers tobacco
A VaPer is a Virginia (Va) Perique (Per) blend. A good example of a VaPer is Escudo. VaPers would be the plural of VaPer.
Likewise a VaBur would be a Virginia Burley (Bur) blend. A good example is the current Three Nuns.
So a VaPerBur would be a Virginia Perique Burley blend. A good example of a VaPerBur is Haddo's Delight (although I believe it also has some Cavendish in it).
I hope that helps.
-- Pat



Jun 4, 2014
United States
Hey Tex: Wasn't blowing you off. Your question was VaPer vs VaPers, and as Pruss pointed out, one is singular, the other plural, so I thought I had made a typo someplace. Pruss, thanks for taking the initiative to look past that and give such a clear, concise answer.
Welcome, MrEnglish Thanks for joinging. Anyone can join in at anytime and smoke as few or as many blends as they like. Anyone can join the conversation at anytime, as long as they've smoked the blend.
However, declaring your membership, as you have, gives you an official voice in the blend selection and theme planning. You'll be number two in the December Selection Team, unless someone drops out for some reason. Everyone please realize, we might have to make some adjustments to pick order as we go along. But don't wait to participate. Check out the August menu and start there.
Procure your selections from your favorite vendor, your cellar, or swap samples with fellow tobacco crawlers. PM CmdrMcBragg, our TinMaster for sharing assistance.
August Selection Team

misterlowercase (Chose Old Dark Fire)

cmdrmcbragg (If I recall correctly, he concurred with Brass aka Pax on 3Nuns)

thesmokingtexan (Deferred Selection Right)

lincolnsbark (Jacknife plug)

catyrpelius (Peterson Perfect Plug)
September Selection Team

puffdoggie (Chooses McClelland's Deep Hollow for the Straight Virginian)

smokeybear (Picks G.L. Pease's Barbary Coast for the Burley)

rsuninv (Will choose a VaPer)

TwoOneFive (C&D Epiphany English blend)
October Selection Team (You guys want to start thinking about your theme?)




November Selection Team




December Selection Team






Jun 4, 2014
United States
Anyone can join the tobacco crawl at anytime and smoke as few or as many blends as they like. Anyone can join the conversation at anytime, as long as they've smoked the blend.
However, declaring your membership, as you have, gives you an official voice in the blend selection and theme planning. But don't wait to participate. Join us this week and smoke some 3 Nuns.
Procure your selections from your favorite vendor, your cellar, or swap samples with fellow tobacco crawlers. PM CmdrMcBragg, our TinMaster for sharing assistance.
August Selection Team

Theme: Virginia Burleys

misterlowercase (Chose Old Dark Fire)

Pax - Chose 3 Nuns (Cmdrmcbragg (Gets a selection next up or if anyone defaults)

thesmokingtexan (Deferred Selection)

lincolnsbark (Jacknife plug)

catyrpelius (Peterson Perfect Plug)
September Selection Team

Theme: Tobacco 101 - A tour of the Major Blend Styles

puffdoggie (Chooses McClelland's Deep Hollow for the Straight Virginian)

smokeybear (Picks G.L. Pease's Barbary Coast for the Burley)

rsuninv (Will choose a VaPer)

TwoOneFive (C&D Epiphany English blend)
October Selection Team





You guys want to start thinking about your theme? Do we want to continue surveying the major blend types or start a month focusing on one style?. We could do an aromatic, cigar leaf based, American, Oriental, straight burley, etc Or do a month on the top VaPers or Navy Flakes, or Aromatics.
Please keep in mind that no matter what we choose will not be everyone's top choice but sooner or later, you will get to pick a blend. And to me, part of the intrigue, is smoking blends I normally would NOT choose. ODF is a perfect example. ODF wasn't even in my sights, much less my wish list. I'm very glad that mrlowercase bought this fine blend to our attention for August.
November Selection Team





December Selection Team








Jun 4, 2014
United States
September Selections

Theme: Tobacco 101 - A tour of the Major Blend Styles
Greetings Everyone:

The September Menu has been confirmed. Our VaPer pick was Rattray's Marlin Flake but we couldn't find a source, so rsuninv went with Escudo, perhaps the most famous blend of it's class.
Note that sources are listed for your convenience. However, I will note that 4Noggins has all four blends in stock and Rich will be more than happy to help you.
Going forward, when it is your turn to select, I'm asking that you include at lease one source that you have verified has your pick in stock.
puffdoggie - Chooses McClelland's Craftsbury: Deep Hollow for the Straight Virginian

Components: Virginia Family: Aromatic

Cut: Ribbon

A soothing, relaxing mild aromatic, Deep Hollow consists of rich, Red and Black stoved Virginias lightly top-flavored with hints of apple and vanilla. Relative to most aromatics it smokes very cooly and cleanly with little moisture or bite.
Sources:; 50gr $8.72; 4Noggins: 100gr $14.99
smokeybear - Picks G.L. Pease's Barbary Coast for the Burley

The finest cube-cut Burley, chosen for its deep, nutty flavors, forms a robust foundation for this sophisticated blend. Rich, Red Virginia tobaccos are added for their subtle sweetness and complexity, while the unique spice of Perique provides added dimension. A delicate kiss of brandy polishes this blend to a perfect finish. Barbary Coast is delightfully satisfying, with hints of black walnut, dark chocolate, and dried fruits. The perfect "all-day" smoke! (From SmokingPipes)
Sources: SmokingPipes; 2 oz $10.72; 4Noggins $10.19
rsuninv - Picks Escudo, the classic VaPer

A combination of full bodied Virginias from North Carolina and Virginia blended with Perique from Louisiana are the cornerstones in Escudo. The blend is pressed and matured before it is spun and cut into coins. This process ensures the unique character of Escudo.
Sources: 4Noggins 50gr $9.14; Pipes and cigars 100gr $15.89
TwoOneFive - Picks C&D Epiphany English blend

Reminiscent of the original Revelation said to be the favorite of Albert Einstein, this singularity is an adroit melding of Virginias, Burleys, Latakia, and Perique in unified harmony.
Sources: SmokingPipes 50 gr $9.91; 4Noggins $9.99



Can't Leave
Jul 11, 2014
I just want to confirm that we are doing the following four blends before I order. 1. McClelland's Craftsbury: Deep Hollow, 2.G.L. Pease's Barbary Coast, 3. Escudo Navy Deluxe and 4. C&D Epiphany (I like the price on this one)



Jul 29, 2013
Having been unimpressed by 3P and having got my supply for September I moved onto Deep Hollow.
Good stuff. September is off to a nice start with the week one select from puffdoggie. I don't think anyone will be disappointed by this blend from McClellands.



Jun 4, 2014
United States
Hi, Tex, your list is good.
September Selections

Theme: Tobacco 101 - A tour of the Major Blend Styles
Greetings Everyone:

The September Menu has been confirmed. Our VaPer pick was Rattray's Marlin Flake but we couldn't find a source, so rsuninv went with Escudo, perhaps the most famous blend of it's class.
Note that sources are listed for your convenience. However, I will note that 4Noggins has all four blends in stock and Rich will be more than happy to help you.
Going forward, when it is your turn to select, I'm asking that you include at lease one source that you have verified has your pick in stock.
puffdoggie - Chooses McClelland's Craftsbury: Deep Hollow for the Straight Virginian

Components: Virginia Family: Aromatic

Cut: Ribbon

A soothing, relaxing mild aromatic, Deep Hollow consists of rich, Red and Black stoved Virginias lightly top-flavored with hints of apple and vanilla. Relative to most aromatics it smokes very cooly and cleanly with little moisture or bite.
Sources:; 50gr $8.72; 4Noggins: 100gr $14.99
smokeybear - Picks G.L. Pease's Barbary Coast for the Burley

The finest cube-cut Burley, chosen for its deep, nutty flavors, forms a robust foundation for this sophisticated blend. Rich, Red Virginia tobaccos are added for their subtle sweetness and complexity, while the unique spice of Perique provides added dimension. A delicate kiss of brandy polishes this blend to a perfect finish. Barbary Coast is delightfully satisfying, with hints of black walnut, dark chocolate, and dried fruits. The perfect "all-day" smoke! (From SmokingPipes)
Sources: SmokingPipes; 2 oz $10.72; 4Noggins $10.19
rsuninv - Picks Escudo, the classic VaPer

A combination of full bodied Virginias from North Carolina and Virginia blended with Perique from Louisiana are the cornerstones in Escudo. The blend is pressed and matured before it is spun and cut into coins. This process ensures the unique character of Escudo.
Sources: 4Noggins 50gr $9.14; Pipes and cigars 100gr $15.89
TwoOneFive - Picks C&D Epiphany English blend

Reminiscent of the original Revelation said to be the favorite of Albert Einstein, this singularity is an adroit melding of Virginias, Burleys, Latakia, and Perique in unified harmony.
Sources: SmokingPipes 50 gr $9.91; 4Noggins $9.99



Can't Leave
Jul 11, 2014
I got my order in last night and could not help my self but to try the deep hallow. It is a lot milder than the tobaccos we smoked last month but proved to be very good on the burn and flavor.

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