Hi, Tex, your list is good.
September Selections
Theme: Tobacco 101 - A tour of the Major Blend Styles
Greetings Everyone:
The September Menu has been confirmed. Our VaPer pick was Rattray's Marlin Flake but we couldn't find a source, so rsuninv went with Escudo, perhaps the most famous blend of it's class.
Note that sources are listed for your convenience. However, I will note that 4Noggins has all four blends in stock and Rich will be more than happy to help you.
Going forward, when it is your turn to select, I'm asking that you include at lease one source that you have verified has your pick in stock.
puffdoggie - Chooses McClelland's Craftsbury: Deep Hollow for the Straight Virginian
Components: Virginia Family: Aromatic
Cut: Ribbon
A soothing, relaxing mild aromatic, Deep Hollow consists of rich, Red and Black stoved Virginias lightly top-flavored with hints of apple and vanilla. Relative to most aromatics it smokes very cooly and cleanly with little moisture or bite.
Sources: SmokingPipes.com; 50gr $8.72; 4Noggins: 100gr $14.99
smokeybear - Picks G.L. Pease's Barbary Coast for the Burley
The finest cube-cut Burley, chosen for its deep, nutty flavors, forms a robust foundation for this sophisticated blend. Rich, Red Virginia tobaccos are added for their subtle sweetness and complexity, while the unique spice of Perique provides added dimension. A delicate kiss of brandy polishes this blend to a perfect finish. Barbary Coast is delightfully satisfying, with hints of black walnut, dark chocolate, and dried fruits. The perfect "all-day" smoke! (From SmokingPipes)
Sources: SmokingPipes; 2 oz $10.72; 4Noggins $10.19
rsuninv - Picks Escudo, the classic VaPer
A combination of full bodied Virginias from North Carolina and Virginia blended with Perique from Louisiana are the cornerstones in Escudo. The blend is pressed and matured before it is spun and cut into coins. This process ensures the unique character of Escudo.
Sources: 4Noggins 50gr $9.14; Pipes and cigars 100gr $15.89
TwoOneFive - Picks C&D Epiphany English blend
Reminiscent of the original Revelation said to be the favorite of Albert Einstein, this singularity is an adroit melding of Virginias, Burleys, Latakia, and Perique in unified harmony.
Sources: SmokingPipes 50 gr $9.91; 4Noggins $9.99