there have been so many rumors constantly circulating about pipes and tobacco for the past several years that we should all be skeptical of any new dramatic "news" in most instances
Do you mean that the internet is not a cesspool of disinformation and cranks spouting off whatever is in the darkest recesses of their drug addled minds? I thought these groups were immune. Damn!
That's not a shot at this thread. I'm not in "the know" about anything related to this. Your recommendation of a good dose of proper skepticism and critical thinking is valid though.
Courses on proper critical thinking should be mandatory in school from kindergarten on. It's a little more complicated than many people realize.
Offhand, but related, I watched a documentary called "The Social Dilemma". It had an "after school special" vibe going on and it didn't really touch on anything I haven't read elsewhere, but I recommend it to people as a beginner's introduction to what is possible with social media, algorithms, search engines, etc.
The fact that several people from some of the biggest social companies in the world are now speaking out at the horrors that they have unleashed on society should give people pause. Well, they have been speaking out for some years now, but this is one of the few times I've seen it packaged for mass consumption.
A friend of mine is a child psychologist. When I told her I was not ever going to buy my young son a cell phone to participate, she called me a "Quaker". I think she meant Mennonite. I've never had a cell phone or social media account aside from this one, so I guess she was not far off by modern standards.
But at the same time, I use very complex technology for my work and take an interest in the social technology for the simple desire to be educated about it. I knew more about her cell phone and impacts of social media activity, search engines and these ever present algorithms than she did (the nuts and bolts of why it exists as a business model, what types of tracking and manipulation is available to these companies, etc.), but I was the "Quaker" in that conversation.
It was very surprising. And the worst part? She said that about 75% of her clients were children who have been exposed to the swamp of social media, porn, and manipulation. It is horrific. And parents willingly give their young kids these tools of madness, expecting them to somehow "get it" and stay away from the horrors that are just a curious click away.
Well, that's a sideways tangent. But, for anyone interested, that documentary is a good start and then you could get specific with concepts of manufacturing consent and manipulation from algorithims where nobody is even really "at the switch". It may prompt some people to get very critical of these tools they are absent-mindingly using. It's a brave new world we're entering, and we're all manipulated.
It is especially important for those who feel they are not manipulated. I know that I am, and I take very active measures to avoid it. It still gets through... I catch myself in moments thinking... "how could I have believed that?" and try to trace it back to an origin.
It's the people without any critical thinking awareness in these realms that keep me up at night. What a mess.