It's been so long since I've messed around with my Pipe-Flame nozzles that I goofed up my own setup. Above is actually what I've been calling a 'righty' setup, & below is what I've been calling a 'lefty' setup, with the nozzle 90deg ccw in comparison to 'righty'.
I re-set it up as full 'lefty' tonight, but quickly made another change & went to what I had been calling the 'ambi' setup, sending the flame out over the corner 45deg between the other two setups.
A lot of the idea is to try & keep the lid not pointing back towards the user & out of the way as much as possible. But I also realized that laying the lighter over 90deg away is maybe more than I need to go as a lefty, & going only 45deg away still moves the lid more out of my line of sight as compared to running the 'righty' setup. But I also realized that running the 'righty' setup over the past day wasn't too bad overall, other than the lid in my line of sight of my left eye. So, I'm thinking of just retiring the old full 'lefty' setup, & re-naming the old righty setup to 'righty/ambi', & also renaming the old 'ambi' setup to the new 'lefty' setup:

I'm going to run it for a while to see how it goes, at least.