The recent thread about a "missing" forum member and the sudden return of @Richmond B. Funkenhouser got me wondering: how many members left the forum for a lengthy period of time? Why did you leave? What made you come back?
I try to stay for some of the members but other sites are easier for me to use.We lost many members to the great forum revamp. You can tell cause it says the last time they logged on was the date they joined.
Without the possibility of getting banned, there would be little point in joining forums & chat rooms. If it's not happening to you semi-regularly, then you're not employing your 1st amendment robustly enough, nor are you providing humorless moderator types a reason to keep smoking their smugness pipes. But we're glad you're back.I ain't joining this soon to be bloodbath pigpen hybrid..
Well basically I got banned.. Then I was pissed.. Then I got busy.. I don't stay pissed long.. Then I wasn't so busy again, and here I am.
Welcome back. Apparently everyone is rinsing their pipes out with water now.
Wait until they find out The Pipe can go in the dishwasher!
Woah with the water flush talk! We aren’t ready for another civil war yet.Welcome back. Apparently everyone is rinsing their pipes out with water now.
Wait until they find out The Pipe can go in the dishwasher!