Nice analogy, but does it really work?“You wanna poke and not get poked back?”
I don’t mind a good poke. Poke away.
But allow me to offer up a valid analogy. A master distiller will take 10 or more years at his craft, getting a ? from cask to perfect drinkability... only to have someone pour Coca Cola into it. That’s an aromatic.
Look. It’s your drink. You paid for it, do whatever you like.
If you want to smoke a pot pouri of artificial sauces and feel it doesn’t sublimate the tobacco..... go ahead.
A lot of the flavoured tobacco is basically bog standard, dirt cheap cavendish with little inherent taste - that'd be unaged moonshine with some fruit juice thrown in to be drinkable.
Some flavoured tobaccos are very high quality indeed, like the Lakelands, I'd say the equivalent would be making a high quality cocktail.