Just got some Drucquer & Sons Merry Monk. Warped was on sale not long ago so I picked up a Red Hunt and Sarto, and before that MB was on sale so I grabbed HH Latakia Flake and some others (Vanilla roll cake, Scottish mixture I think, Plumcake, some others), needed pipe cleaners another time and grabbed GH&C Ennerdale and Rum Flake, and previously picked up random limited stuff as it came out (like Sutliff birds Anomalous, MB Stockton, etc).
Going to be a hot minute to catch up. I'm trying to pare down to no more than 2 open tins at a time in each genre (which I split very broadly by English/balkan, burley based, VA based and aromatic based).
I got more in my wishlist to throw into my cart when stuff goes on sale or I need to pickup other stuff like pipe cleaners.
I think I need a bigger cabinet soon... (airtight bins contain open tins, the only open foreground tin is Ennerdale but there's no room to put it in my aromatic bin; the far left stack is empty tins + Pegasus, Blockade and Black Frigate that didn't quite impress me but I might smoke through later).