Rain - Love or Hate?

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The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Sydney, Oz summer of 2022 - rained incessantly for 3-4 months
Combination of 100% humidity + heat = MOULD (throughout the house - walls, bathrooms, clothes, shoes and PIPES :eek:
We have been in our current house for more than 35 years. and never encountered this problem before
Thank you La Nina
Weather prognosticators are predicting the return of El Niño, so wet winters for SoCal and drier winters up north. We'll see...
I remember some pretty wet winters in SoCal, decades ago, but those were several weeks of incessant rain, not months. Yikes!


Nov 30, 2020
Sydney, Australia
Weather prognosticators are predicting the return of El Niño, so wet winters for SoCal and drier winters up north. We'll see...
I remember some pretty wet winters in SoCal, decades ago, but those were several weeks of incessant rain, not months. Yikes!
I would say that El Nino is already here
Last month was the driest June on record for some years
The last time El Nino paid us a visit it overstayed its welcome, and how
The state government after years of inactivity/indecision outlaid millions to put in a de-salination plant only to moth-ball it on completion because they had faffed about so much and so long that El Nino decided to decamp.
Meanwhile we were bombarded with messages on how to save water
Farmers were seeing their crops and livestock suffer as their farms turned to dustbowls.

Australia has always been a dry continent, with a HUGE desert inland.
Very little forward planning by our state and Federal governments.
Lots of talk and hot air, but little action (as is the wont with politicians)
The last dam in NSW was completed in the 1960s and they are still talking of what a great achievement is/was.
Instead of going on and raising its walls or building another dam as the population in Sydney has grown exponentially since through immigration and people doing what comes naturally.


The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
I would say that El Nino is already here
Last month was the driest June on record for some years
The last time El Nino paid us a visit it overstayed its welcome, and how
The state government after years of inactivity/indecision outlaid millions to put in a de-salination plant only to moth-ball it on completion because they had faffed about so much and so long that El Nino decided to decamp.
Meanwhile we were bombarded with messages on how to save water
Farmers were seeing their crops and livestock suffer as their farms turned to dustbowls.

Australia has always been a dry continent, with a HUGE desert inland.
Very little forward planning by our state and Federal governments.
Lots of talk and hot air, but little action (as is the wont with politicians)
The last dam in NSW was completed in the 1960s and they are still talking of what a great achievement is/was.
Instead of going on and raising its walls or building another dam as the population in Sydney has grown exponentially since through immigration and people doing what comes naturally.
So, Oz is pretty much like every other country, government exists mostly to provide services for the top .01% who inform government what it will and will not do, and in turn take care of the politicos and their families. Pretty much how it is here as well. Occasionally something inconvenient, like war, famine, pestilence, natural disasters will cause a slight disruption in this cozy circuit of self reward, but not often.
Jul 28, 2016
It’s sunny in Arizona most of the time. A rainy day is a treat. A rainy day that I can sit under the patio and enjoy a pipe or cigar, wonderful. A cloudy cool day on the bike always nice; cycling in the rain,ehhhhh not so much.
some time ago I spoke to a man located in the city of Yuma AZ, he did not remember when there was a rainy day last time,lol
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Sep 12, 2020
Spain - Europe
I live in a region where the rain comes for a whole week and then doesn't come back for a year. Yes, I would like it to be more balanced. I like the smell of grass and wet earth, the storms at sunset. Yes, I love the rain.


May 26, 2022
Florida - Space Coast
Living back in Florida it doesn't matter, love it or hate it it's here, I actually enjoy a massive storm cell passing through, we have I believe the most lighting strikes on the planet and the storm cells move pretty quickly. There area i live in has natural formations that break the cells, it will rain 10 minutes north and 10 minutes south of me for hours and we don't get a drop so when we do i enjoy it.

If you don't like the rain petition your congressman maybe they can add more taxes to stop it.


May 23, 2018
Well, I love a rainy night
I love a rainy night
I love to hear the thunder
Watch the lightnin' when it lights up the skies
You know it makes me feel good

I have to agree with Eddie Rabbitt. I love a rainy night.


Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
Here in the great Pacific Northwet (not a typo) you either love the rain or you move away.

Personally, the serene days of light rain and mist are perfect for a cup of coffee or tea and a pipe.
I spent six years in Washington State - mostly in Seattle. What people up there called rain was what we in the south call high humidity or a light fog.
I love rain unless it's falling at a rate that makes me think it looks like I took a swim.
I love rain because without rain life would be harder. Farmers can't grow crops without rain. Lakes and bayous would dry up so no fishing.

I like the rain during the nine months of summer we have in South Louisiana. Most times the temperature drops 20 degrees or so and it cool enough to sit on the porch and have a pipe. The bad news is once the rain is over the temperature and humidity jumps back up.

On the other hand, I hate rain when it comes in the form of a hurricane.
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Feb 12, 2022
North Georgia mountains.
Living back in Florida it doesn't matter, love it or hate it it's here, I actually enjoy a massive storm cell passing through, we have I believe the most lighting strikes on the planet and the storm cells move pretty quickly. There area i live in has natural formations that break the cells, it will rain 10 minutes north and 10 minutes south of me for hours and we don't get a drop so when we do i enjoy it.

If you don't like the rain petition your congressman maybe they can add more taxes to stop it.
Having experienced it many a time and having many friends in Florida, I am jealous of the rain yall get.
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