Saw it last night too and felt bad. I always liked chatting with Michelle when I would call to place an order. I avoid phone orders like the plague but I always actually enjoyed calling them.
Warning: Wall of text/BS!!!
I’m sure the regulatory environment was a big factor. I also think these types of shops are getting killed by the big 3 online sellers (SP, PC, TP). The small shops barely get any of the unobtainium/limited releases. The only way they can get more from the distributor is to move more of the readily attainable stuff. When I called once for some CRF, they said that they got about 5 tins of it and were pissed. They only got 5-10 of the barrel aged sutliff as well. It has to be frustrating to struggle to move stock of C&D, GLP, Vauen, Dan, Cult, etc, and when you finally get a hot ticket item, you can only net a few hundred bucks at best... the big retailers can move enough volume to make it work, the little guys can’t. I suspect the little guys will rely more and more on in-house blends as a way to move some product with a decent margin. Those who can’t get a following with their house-blends will keep disappearing. Laudisi Dist. taking over Gawith is another example. They’ve got an in-demand brand that they can ration out to the little guys as a reward for moving Savanelli and Peterson pipes, and C&D/GLP tobacco. In the end they don’t get enough volume to move the needle.
Maybe I’m cynical. Maybe I’m talking out of my ass. I certainly don’t know as much about the inner workings of the industry as a lot of folks. But this is the sense that I have gathered.
I just feel bad for the little guys, and as a consumer I’d like to think/wish we could help keep these guys around. Pipe tobacco certainly isn’t the only industry feeling this pressure...