Smoking Pipes visited the London factory last year and blogged about it
here. Looks like it was very much in operation.
Well good. Does Laudsi hold the importing rights now?
Back when Music City was the sole importers, they visited my pipe club and gave us the skinny on Dunhill, since they were washing their hands of them.
And, we've had multiple British posters over the years who have said that the factory never had many cars in their parking lot, so they assumed they were only run with a skeleton crew now.
I have no ill will for Dunhills or White Spots. I am not one of these who bash it at all... if you'll check out my record of posting on Dunhill threads. I say that if you like the pipe, then it's worth it.
But, if Laudsi is reporting that they are doing well, then I guess that is that. And,I'm glad to hear it.