I agree, and think that this is the realization taking hold this year.I really do not think there is a middle ground.
We have met the enemy, and he is us.Giving people what they want is almost a sure recipe for the downfall of any any style of government.
This is the root of the problem, in my view, that leads to:The current situation is of our own selfish doing. No one to blame but ourselves. Politicians tell us what we want to hear, give us "free" stuff, reassure us over and over (usually with half truths) and we can't re-elect them fast enough. I really can't blame them for our often demonstrated gullibility.
People want safety and security, and in selecting for those, choose a strong central authority which imposes burdens that kill the goose that laid the golden egg.Take the US as an example. From 1776 until the onset of the great depression, federal government expenditures rarely exceeded 3% of GDP (the only exceptions were times of war, when it hovered around 10%), and during that period, I might add, we saw the largest gains in the overall prosperity of the average US worker. That is a fact; the historical record is crystal clear.
And where are we today? Government spending is more than one-third of total US GDP. This reflects the incredible growth of government and its intrusion into all areas of our lives and is anathema to a free society. This FDA debacle is just one of many circumstances where government has overstepped its proper role. Any hope of a true free society is dying, and it is death by a thousand cuts.