I loosely quote Pogo: We have met the enemy and they are us!
Ten years ago, in my circle of acquaintances, many smoked. Not too many years ago there were ashtrays in most offices and retailers, theater. airplanes, ball parks, etc, it's not the Government folks, that is to blame for our current status as "easy targets." How many of us have friends, family members or acquaintances who bark, sometimes nicely, at us to quit the horrible weed? To expect the population to see a difference between pipe, cigarettes, etc is simply unrealistic.
Politicians, honest or crooked, are not going to last going against on something as minor an issue as tobacco. I write minor as the vast majority are not interested in the subject. The majority of the reaming minority are well funded, vociferously opposed to tobacco And that leaves us, the smokers, a small minority of the minority. so, tell me, why should anyone pay attention to our plaintive cries of woe?
Cellar if you must, adjust as you can, revel in fighting the current if you wish but, change is coming and it isn't the fault of government, crooked or honest.