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Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 24, 2015
@warren, I don't think anyone thinks that tobacco manufacturers give product away solely from the goodness of their hearts, but that's not really the point. The point is that the prevention of those donations to troops is a potential chink the armor of the new regs that deft politicians could exploit. The argument is reframed from one that is pro-tobacco to one that is pro-military. Everyone in government wants to be seen as supportive of the troops.



Might Stick Around
Oct 13, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
Pipe tobacco shop closing due to new PA floor tax on pipe tobaccoWarren, I would like to know the few thousand blends that are available after the FDA rules go into full effect. Even if the ones available on Feb 15, 2007 are grandfathered, the manufacturers will still have expenses and have to pay the FDA user fees.
Pekin.... of course I realize that for of state purchases the consumer is liable for the taxes, however I do not know of any which have a related criminal penalty associated with it. Until now, pipe tobacco only had a sales tax on it. check out this story:

Jul 28, 2016
Meanwhile in Europe and specifically up in the northern states,our tobacconists are now put into real hard conditions by lawmakers, again restrictions to come, customs being more vigilant and so on,obviously they wanna kill all tobacco industry here,the current Eu tobacco-situation is getting much worse,and ever it wouldn't be as bad in the States like here now,that for sure,



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Everyone? Possibly true. It is all in how people view what is supportive and what is detrimental. There are many who follow the idea that preventing smoking is beneficial for the military and better for the troops. They view their position as the only correct one. And, I think the majority of the voting public look askance at those who believe differently. Or, they simply couldn't care less about the issue.
We smokers strive to find positives and often over look the other side of an argument. What is supportive and what is detrimental? Is striving for good health (suppressing smoking) supporting the troops? Encouraging and abetting smoking?
seller: Start with the so called "drugstore blends" and work from there. There are lists from those who have done the research here and other places on the interweb.
If there are sufficient profits in making and vending such blends they will continue to be available. The reality is, are there enough pipe smokers to support the added costs? I doubt it. So, the list of available blends will probably shrink to a number which the smokers will not find exciting but, will fill the bowl.
Our choices will shrink, the smoking base will shrink, profits will shrink and soon we will all be back to smoking drug store blends.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 24, 2015
Yeah, I think "everyone" is a safe word to use. Anti-military candidates tend to not get elected. Like I said earlier, there's no guarantee that this will gain traction, but it's difficult to make the argument that it's okay to put young men in front of bullets but not okay to give them a cigar.
You have to have a little faith, man, and put some effort behind it. If we're all just going to put on our "THE END IS NIGH" placards and stand on the street corner, then it truly is.

Aug 14, 2012
You may be right. We pipesmokers are no longer so many that we represent a large voting group. I just go on the basis that the country is corrupt, the government evil, and whenever a lawmaker can screw someone he will, for fun or profit. So I have about 1100 cans of tobacco put away (rough guess) and 183 pipes. Thanks for reminding me to order some more cobs.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
piffyr: I do not believe the end of smoking is nigh. But, changes are certainly in the air and some pipe smokers are very edgy about what is coming.
Sons and daughters have always been the ones to fight, some are too young to vote, many are not old enough to imbibe, others can't enlist without the permission of a guardian. They are not viewed as adults and therefore prohibited from enjoying certain vices until of age. Carrying a gun and going in harm's way is something they choose to do, God bless them all, so, I'm not sure how being a warrior enters into the discussion. Smoking is simply not socially acceptable and most politicians are not willing to battle the majority of their constituency over it.
A certain amount of faith is good, I agree. But, I lean more to realistic expectations. If I'm wrong, great! If I'm right, I'll certainly accept the situation with equanimity and little or no angst. I'm a pragmatist, not an alarmist or activist, I adjust as life remains fluid. There are things in life worth fighting for, smoking simply isn't one on my list. I'll find other things to fill the void should smoking go away completely.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Let me again pump for buying American. Let's support our blenders, not just because they're our boys, but because they (most of 'em) put out great blends.



Jan 31, 2011
I just go on the basis that the country is corrupt, the government evil, and whenever a lawmaker can screw someone he will, for fun or profit.
That pretty much sums it up.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 13, 2010
I agree with @sablebrush52, it is pretty easy to fight against FDA, one only needs big cellar, it is almost impossible to fight against insurance companies. Not to mention that if they refuse to insure smokers, tobacco completely looses its value.

Here in Slovenia we have one of the most strict antismoking laws there is but I personally don't feel its consequences because I never bought anything from out market. Once other Eu countries start to ban internet tobacco sales, then I would have a problem as well. Luckily for us I don't see insurance companies testing for nicotine for a long time. For us it would feel as brutal invasion of personal space and people would never allow it to happen.



Jan 31, 2011
And if you're looking for something scary to drive smokers to quit, try making medical insurance unavailable to smokers after an adjustment period. That would be easy to do with a series of tests for nicotine to qualify for insurance. The death of smoking is more likely to come at the hands of the insurance business than the FDA.
True, but that is primarily due to the fact that we are now required by force of law to purchase so-called health insurance. They don't have to refuse to cover tobacco users, they need only make the rates unaffordable.
Not only tobacco use, but a number of other things as well will likely become more or less prohibited under the guise of "public health".



Feb 15, 2015
"Sellerjp, you realize that pretty much every state has a law requiring you to declare out of state purchases on your tax return and pay the state tax?"
45 out of 50 states do, but there is little enforcement except for high ticket items like artisan pipes 8)

Dec 24, 2012
Yep, as I said "pretty much" all. And i agree they aren't enforced for the most part, but that doesn't mean it's not the law. If you do some searches, you will see that several states went after residents who had bought cigs from out of state vendors before internet cig sales were banned. The states got hold of invoices for sales sold to an address in their state and then went after the people for not self-declaring the tax. I would hope pipesmokers are not "on the radar" for enforcement like cigs were, but who knows.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I loosely quote Pogo: We have met the enemy and they are us!
Ten years ago, in my circle of acquaintances, many smoked. Not too many years ago there were ashtrays in most offices and retailers, theater. airplanes, ball parks, etc, it's not the Government folks, that is to blame for our current status as "easy targets." How many of us have friends, family members or acquaintances who bark, sometimes nicely, at us to quit the horrible weed? To expect the population to see a difference between pipe, cigarettes, etc is simply unrealistic.
Politicians, honest or crooked, are not going to last going against on something as minor an issue as tobacco. I write minor as the vast majority are not interested in the subject. The majority of the reaming minority are well funded, vociferously opposed to tobacco And that leaves us, the smokers, a small minority of the minority. so, tell me, why should anyone pay attention to our plaintive cries of woe?
Cellar if you must, adjust as you can, revel in fighting the current if you wish but, change is coming and it isn't the fault of government, crooked or honest.



Staff member
Jul 28, 2013
I put the date I opened my tub of Carter Hall, to see roughly how long it will take me to finish it. Then I can calculate how many tubs to order for my lifetime. Not that Carter Hall is going away, I just want to buy it before the price goes up.

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