I hate to always be the bearer of glad tidings.
There are 20 cigarettes in a pack.
In 1972 I bought my first pack.
Those were two 1972 cents each, 40 cents a pack.
The old men bitched and moaned they remembered cigarettes at a dime a package, and only six cents back during the war.
Today I was taking with another old lawyer about days gone bye.
I didn’t want to smoke a pipe inside, so I fired up a 24/7 cigarette. They are two dollars a pack, or a dime each.
The inflation calculator says, that two cents in 1972 is now 14 cents.
Or $2.80 a pack.
Oh, but there’s one huge difference.
Back then I wondered where my next pack might come from.
Today I find them scattered in clothes and suits and in drawers, like the pack I found today.
If tobacco kills me tomorrow, I’ve lived fifty good years enjoying it.
Quit bellyaching, and light up.
There are Arkansawyers too poor to buy more than a dollar pack of roll your own makings at a time.