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Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
They’re making too much money on taxes to end it. I don’t think the tobacco industry will ever go away. Much like everyone else thinks, the internet sales will go away and you’ll be limited to the blends your local store can get. Keep your chin up, I’m sure that gigantic stash of hard to find aged Virginia blends you have will last for quite a while.
The problem with pipe tobacco is the overall $ volume is so small therefore, the tax revenues are inconsequential. And look at the local B&M's you refer to, I have more pipe tobacco in my cellar (even after all the sales) than over 90% of them.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 19, 2020
Tucson, Arizona
"...S.H. isn't an imaginary concern, it is a full blown religion designed to proselytize today's youth and adults away from traditional values of family and faith and toward an allegiance to big government and a world order that is the antithesis traditional views and faiths."

Sounds like it's worth a shot, considering the mess we have gotten ourselves in.
Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
"...S.H. isn't an imaginary concern, it is a full blown religion designed to proselytize today's youth and adults away from traditional values of family and faith and toward an allegiance to big government and a world order that is the antithesis traditional views and faiths."

Sounds like it's worth a shot, considering the mess we have gotten ourselves in.
Seriously? The mess we've gotten ourselves into is the result of the already transition to big government and world order and certainly the antithesis of traditional views and faiths.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 19, 2020
Tucson, Arizona
"Seriously? The mess we've gotten ourselves into is the result of the already transition to big government and world order and certainly the antithesis of traditional views and faiths."

Really? The rot began setting in many many years ago, during the age of traditional views and faiths. At this point, the only thing that could potentially save us is government. Not the fascist type that we have been trending towards for quite some time. For fear of being excommunicated, I'm removing myself from this thread now.

Servant King

Geriatric Millennial
Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
"Seriously? The mess we've gotten ourselves into is the result of the already transition to big government and world order and certainly the antithesis of traditional views and faiths."

Really? The rot began setting in many many years ago, during the age of traditional views and faiths. At this point, the only thing that could potentially save us is government. Not the fascist type that we have been trending towards for quite some time. For fear of being excommunicated, I'm removing myself from this thread now.
So...uhh...the solution to the problem is....the same thing that caused it? Won't that just...I don't know...prolong the problem and not actually solve it? ?

stop hitting.gif

Edit: As for those "before times" you speak of, yes, that may have been during the "time" of traditional views and faiths, but that's just incidental. The point of origin of said "rot" was still the same as it is today.


May 7, 2022
The same campaign used to demonize tobacco will eventually be turned on other drugs.

I agree with a lot of your post but as far as demonizing other drugs I think the more mind altering emotion numbing drugs will actually increase as we have seen with weed, a healthy needle exchange program and lesser sentences for harder Narcotics. %12.1 of American Boys aged 5-15 are on Ritalin Girls %5.5. %13.2 of adults 18-60 are on anti depressants 1 out of 10 Americans is a drug addict alcohol or otherwise. It’s a Brave New World out there and the Soma is everywhere.

I am appalled at the current tobacco legislation. Most of what I want is from Europe and I can’t get it but there are freighters filling up the ports with Toxic toys for our kids and Mickey Mouse made to fail consumer goods a plenty pouring into every wal-mart from sea to sea.

Hard times create Strong men
Strong men create good times
Good times create weak men
Weak men create hard times


Can't Leave
Nov 8, 2021
Either there will be a turn around and increasing liberalization - these things tend to go in cycles, and the optimist in me thinks we maybe at the tipping point. Or, pipes and cigars will be left to a niche, and 'rich' minority as a specialty thing. I doubt they will ever ban it outright, though I suspect cigarettes will be.

Jack the ripper

Might Stick Around
May 19, 2020
Shelbyville, Indiana
Either there will be a turn around and increasing liberalization - these things tend to go in cycles, and the optimist in me thinks we maybe at the tipping point. Or, pipes and cigars will be left to a niche, and 'rich' minority as a specialty thing. I doubt they will ever ban it outright, though I suspect cigarettes will be.

Piping Rooster

Can't Leave
Jun 29, 2022
Champa Bay
"That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."

These are my thoughts but it doesnt seem like there's many left willing to stand up to tyranny...


Starting to Get Obsessed
May 12, 2022
Central Virginia
I'm not the most informed individual, but I'm surprised there's been this type of fearful rhetoric lately. I've not heard of any direct legislature directly impacting pipe tobacco, especially in comparison to the recent fda interest in flavored cigars.

Cigar tobacco and cigars in general-- of what most would consider a cigar vs some swisher sweet that no regular smoker would bat an eye towards-- don't really appeal to the youth in general and have no impact on the populace at large. I find it funny how pipe tobacco, in my limited scope, is never directly acted against like vape or flavored cigars i.e. why there's no FDA hate on some Sutliff chocolate blah blah blend. Even Autumn Evening doesn't even really taste like tobacco at all.

The way I see it, Cigars would have to be properly labelled premium vs non-premium first, and any large legislature that would affect them passed before anything on pipes would change. And I doubt that will happen anytime soon as these tobacco lobbyists seem to be pretty good at their job. The FDA don't really seem on the ball with trying to get anything they want to do done in regards to tobacco.

Besides, who even enjoys killing of B&Ms and hurting farmers more anyway? Taxes are bad enough as is. Last thing we need is to kill off independent commercial sellers and giver larger control to the few big names. Just my two cents and perhaps ignorance.
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Jun 6, 2017
My friend actually gets tested for nicotine. Its insane when we're supposed to the beacon of freedom.

Not taking a side here, but your friend IS free to do as he wishes. But, so is the company he voluntarily works for.

He wishes to smoke, the company wishes to test for nicotine and charge proportionately for their risk.

Neither decision involves governmental action nor impacts the freedom of those involved.



Feb 21, 2013
Even before the Surgeon General's Report that made smoking controversial everywhere, pipe smoking was more of a niche activity compared to cigarettes and cigars. You saw pipe smokers on the commuter trains and in faculty lounges, but it was never an everyman activity.

When I was in the Navy, 1968 to 1972, I can't remember ever seeing a pipe smoker in the ranks, shipboard or land station, officer or enlisted, zero, nada. Cigarettes were everywhere, especially among us enlisted.

In the 1950's, factory pipes were the main event at all price levels. Over-the-counter blends were the sustaining product.

Today, the variety of blends and their availability and distribution is at an all-time high in terms of number of blends and distribution and availability because of online sales ... I surmise. No data research here.

Likewise, the number of artisans offering their handmade pipes is probably as high as it has ever been, also thanks to online sales.

So, where to? I think pipe smoking will remain a niche activity. I think the number of pipe smokers will continue to dwindle. Some precipitous fad or trend among some demographic could cause a resurgence, among young people in some fields or regions.
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