The vet nurses, 3 of em couldn't hold him down , he weighs 92 lbs and is only 17 months old, they were trying to put him up on table, heard a commotion in the room went in and they were all on the floor, I grabbed him around the head and talked to him, they grabbed him and we put him on the table. Well that was alright until they put the probe in his butt, he scratched the top part of my left forearm and Lawdy, Lawdy I am on blood thinners , blood everywhere, they wanted to stop and look at me, said NO do what you have too, well we got everything done , blood everywhere slipping and sliding . Glad it's only gonna be a yearly thing, for him and me . LOL :laughat:
Oh hell Bradley, sorry to hear that...Gumbo is the same way when they stick that damn thing up his butt...he thinks the devil is after him....sorry to see you got scratched up...go take it easy at the house...
Ouch. I don’t enjoy those trips to the vet either. My boy Zeke is about 80-85lbs at 19 mos. The vet says bring him by for friendly visits to lessen the stress of the real ones. Which sounds like a great idea but I haven’t gotten around to it. The worst little hellion I ever took in though was an 18 lb Jack Russell Terrier. The vet finally gave up with the probes and just gave the needed shots each visit, nothing more.
Time like this I am happy to own a Boston Terrier. Glad it wasn't worse but darn those blood thinners, they can make any scratch into a geyser. Hope it heals quickly for you and PMon gets past his harrowing experience.
Those danged aliens got a hell of a lot worse than that from me when they abducted me and took into their mother ship and tried to give me an anal probe 8O
Sorry to see you got tore up a bit, Bradley. I bet Pmon feels bad about hurting you.
After the head cone, I'm not surprised that Pmon doesn't like the vet. Sorry to see the damage, Bradley. Gracie just growls and hides her head in my wife's boobs. Be sure and watch for infection.
Plat went to the sink , asked the nurse for some Clorox, she said Oh Mr Simon we"ll clean it up, told her the Clorox is for me, washed it with liquid soap, then poured Clorox all over it, toes were curling, my gender changed from male to female. LOL. Can't beat Clorox , on shrimp boat it was diesel fuel, and that's another story. You're right infection is the sucker to watch out for.