The "97%" figure is BS.
My view on this subject is based on reading I've done and interviews I've listened to, by and and with credible scientists. And also on studying the history of where all of this modern notion of AGW and climate change came from and how it's evolved.
As I wrote in yet another paper on the issue:
Atmospheric (Ne)science
Last, but not least, when weighing the paper in the scales of True Science it is found wanting,
because it presupposes that anthropogenic climate change (ACC, to use the pedantic acronym)
is reality. Nevertheless, and much to the chagrin of many, ACC is NOT ‘settled scientific fact’.
Neither is the IPCC’s doomsday A2 scenario –or any of their scenarios and reports, for that matter.
At best, all these things are highly debatable. At worst they are pure nescience, and ACC really
stands for Anthropogenic Climate Confusion.
Deus ex machina
In spite of its many failings, there is one thing we can learn from The changing hail threat over
North America in response to anthropogenic climate change. Namely, the realisation that spurious
paradigms have become so deeply entrenched in the collective scientific mind that actual science
is currently in decline, because the tools and methods of science –and ultimately truth itself– are
being replaced with binary constructs. Man’s infatuation with the work of his own hands, which
–in arrant arrogance– he deems to be more accurate, reliable, and, at length, truer, than the actual
and factual natural world, have elevated climate models to an altar for all to follow, heed, obey, and
worship—they are the new arcana—the Virtual Golden Calf. The fallout from all this is evident far and wide: Armchair virtual geography is rapidly becoming standard practice and displacing field observation and investigation. Meteorological stations are being closed down. Educational institutions bent on ‘innovation’ are replacing tried-and-true classroom classes with online courses, effectively dumbing down both teaching and learning. Research grants are given to white elephants that support the paradigm of ACC, whilst funding is
denied to projects of actual value and benefit. Led by climate models, governments enact ridiculous
and detrimental policies...
Computerised Modelling and Forecasting of Hail: The Rise of Virtual Geography Along a Hubris Front