It's also a common trick used by those who should know better, but still can not win an argument on merit. 1.Obfuscate, 2. feign offense, in the moderators, 4.the regulators, 5.the police, 6.a full-scale air attack. We see it here in this thread.
For example...
We all can agree on one thing though......... CANADIAN BACON IS JUST HAM!
1. Twat bollocks!
2. You philistine! How dare you demean the noblest of bacon!?! Cut thick, rolled in pea meal, and grilled... GRILLED to perfection.
3. Oh gentle he, Lord Noble, too kind by far to say, must be crushed under the weight of your accusation! Let me hurry hence to call his attention to your prattle.
4. Pray you hear from Moderate souls first, lest your egregious gauntlet be picked up by one Canadian litigator with a 700 pound cellar who could, quite literally put all your favourite etailers out of stock on... Everything.
5. Enough with the casual threats. I demand a retraction! Ham!?! I've called my friend Norm who works for Canada Border Services. He's told both of Canada's other guards about you. You'll never enter, or leave, our beautiful country again.
6. We'll keep our "ham"; our poutine; our beer that tastes like, well, beer; and our socially liberal and economically conservative (relatively) parliamentary democracy to ourselves.
How'd I do? I'm a little out of practice... And also booze. I'm out of booze.
-- Pat