It's true that for many, pipe smoking is but another means of tobacco consumption.For most of pipe-smoking history, men didn't gather to talk about pipes and tobaccos; rather, they smoked tobacco pipes when gathered to talk about other things.
Obviously, I'm speaking in generalities. Of course guys commented in passing on how they preferred this or that pipe, and maybe they even bantered their OTC tobacco preferences as a fun diversion. But still, pipes were more context than content.
And I think it may also ring true that a majority don't have an interest or curiosity outside the realm of the commonplace.
But there were, and have been for centuries now, dark and smoky dens where men congregated and for whom tobacco and pipes has been the principal referent. It is with these men that tobacco culture sprung and evolved and on whose coat-tails we now coast. I'd venture to say that none of us would ever have even heard the terms "Dunhill" or "Latakia" were it not for men like these.
Put another way, some learn by experimentation what's good, and others settle for what's good enough. I think it's tempting to turn a fond eye to memories of the past, and Uncle Joe who had "his brand" of lite beer and domestic tobacco, and didn't like it much when the store ran out and he had to try something different. But had this been the case for all of us our rich history would be little more than a dusty antique-store vitrine, a relic to now-antiquated means of tobacco consumption. Nothing more, just as before.
And we wouldn't be here, overthinking the people who overthink the tobacco.