I'm in Toronto. We have a number of B&Ms here and, I do give them business for accessories and sometimes even pipes. Tobacco is another story though. Its not the fault of the stores, its the government that has taxed tobacco at such a high rate that makes it impossible for me to buy locally.
Example. I enjoy Mac Baren blends. Two tins, 100g each, land at my door from either 4noggins or Pipes & Cigars for a little under $50, including shipping and exchange rates. A single tin bought locally is $70. So, I give my $$$ to local pipe shops in the form of purchases for pipe cleaners, lighters, filters for my cob pipe etc. I think they have a much higher profit margin on those than tobacco.
Comparing the lowest cost shipping, 4noggins does charge a little more for shipping than Pipes & Cigars, but they provide a tracking number. Typical shipping times from either place for the lowest tier of shipping costs are about 10-14 days to Toronto. I've never had an issue with either place.