Pipe Smoking Study, It Doesn't Look Good.

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Jan 31, 2011
The question is, to what extent is it harmful? How harmful? I suspect the answer is that on the average, smoking a few pipes a day is not very harmful

If you're a pipe or cigar smoker but careful with your diet and weight, and take high quality supplements, you're in better shape than most non-smokers these days...IMO.

Obesity, toxicity and malnutrition from the average diet these days are the primary causes of most chronic illness...far worse than pipe or cigar smoking, and every bit as bad, if not possibly worse than heavy cigarette smoking.



Can't Leave
May 6, 2019
Obesity, toxicity and malnutrition from the average diet these days are the primary causes of most chronic illness...far worse than pipe or cigar smoking, and every bit as bad, if not possibly worse than heavy cigarette smoking.

I agree.

I think the smoking awareness campaign did some good to help us understand the long term risks. But as many things often go, the pendulum swings to the other extreme. Now it is simply crazy. I think it time to consider other health risks
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 6, 2019
THAT! my friends, sums it up. Live healthy and get hit by a bus, the Lord's gonna take ya when your time is up...
That’s my “goal” - a VERY steep decline over a very short period, for my family’s sake. Not a looong drawn out ordeal.
Not really sure I have much say in the end tho...
In the mean time, please pass my tamper...


Oct 12, 2011
That’s my “goal” - a VERY steep decline over a very short period, for my family’s sake. Not a looong drawn out ordeal.
The loooong drawn out ordeal is a tough ride.Been through it with family members and it's rough on all concerned. I'm not scared to die, being half way there is ugly...


May 5, 2014
If you actually read the entire study you'll notice that they control for numerous factors and than lump everything together to reach their averages.

The statistics in the abstract therefore at the average from 1-2 bowl a day, non inhaling smokers whose bowls last 30 minutes, all the way up to 10 bowl a day, inhaling, 1 hour plus duration per bowl, who are also drinking 5+ alcoholic beverages a day.

If you read the entire thing and compare it to the 1964 surgeon general's report, which concluded that very moderate pipe smoking was a negligible/acceptable level of risk, the statistics from the sub groups in this study who only smoked 1-2 bowls per day, didn't inhale, and and didn't consume alcohol on a daily basis, the risks are, again, tangible but fairly negligible.

I read it and looked at the numbers. Its pretty in depth but not without it flaws. In the 1980s they found a bunch of men between age 30 and 99 who smoked a pipe to some degree etc. The median age at time of enrollment was late 50s. 20 years later less than 20% of the individuals had died, and of their respective groups, almost 50% were obese and 15-20% drank greater than 2-3 drinks daily. Additionally, none of the original questions were asked of anyone as followups 20 years later. They just tracked cause of death by certificates.

I'm not saying its healthy, but I couldn't find that many pipe smokers to take a mailed in questionnaire if I wanted to. Doc Garr had an open survey to the world wide web and less than 800 pipesmokers worldwide participated. It may all be relative, but I have to imagine that those individuals still living after 20 years weren't asked followup questions because they were all still alive, but couldn't be tracked in a meaningful way.

Additionally, I'd love to see a side by side of percentage of cause of death from these same maladies, amongst the same median age groups, for non-smokers, alcohol users, smokers, vegans, junk food, and red meat lovers. Unless we know what we are compared against and are only focusing on one risk factor, being the "cause" of death, we really don't ever get the whole picture.


Enabler in Chief
May 23, 2019
Unless we know what we are compared against and are only focusing on one risk factor, being the "cause" of death, we really don't ever get the whole picture.

And you never will. Life has way too many extraneous variables for this sort of study. The world is full of bad decisions that feel great, and great decisions that feel horrible, with everything in between. Finding the right balance between the two as an individual is all you can hope for.

As soon as you figure that out you will probably get hit by a bus. All energy flows according to the whims of the great magnet. Selah.


May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Pipe smoking is very healthy for me. It is the least of the bad habits I have so I will die from one of those way before pipe smoking. Plus I live my life to my favorite quote.

. “Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What a Ride!”
Hunter S Thompson


Enabler in Chief
May 23, 2019
“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What a Ride!”
Hunter S Thompson
two thompson quotes two posts in a row. Can't go wrong ;)
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Mar 11, 2018
"Pipe smoking study, it doesn't look good."

I just can't believe the authors would say that pipe smoking doesn't look good. I think it has a sort of debonair look. Hmmph.
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Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
Let's not forget not only was Joe Stalin a pipe smoker (possibly not the best socialist in truth,)
That is super true. If you ask me Stalin is a perfect example of how some people will jump on whatever train takes them into power. Apparently though Stalin pipe smoking was propaganda for public consumption and in private he smoked foreign fancy cigs.


Enabler in Chief
May 23, 2019
My apologies old man. I was born without a filter. I sometimes forget that some people are from civilized locales where one must censor their thoughts with eloquence and tact. Too many years in the woods just burping, farting, and going where the wind takes me I suppose.
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