Pipe Smoking Study, It Doesn't Look Good.

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Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 19, 2014
Gerryp- Funny and sad side story. Years ago, I was walking down the street with a friend and we were approached by a prostitute who wanted to do exactly that for a cigarette. No doubt she had many more problems, but that was the offer on the street. So, it does happen, if that's the bar that needs to be set.

Secretly, I'll bet a few chaps here would do the same thing for those hard to get blends if nobody ever knew about it... judging by some of the comments.


May 4, 2016
My father will turn 80 next year, other than a slow growing prostate cancer , he is rather healthy and his mind is sharp. He is a life long pipe smoker, but does so, and with everything else in moderation. Perhaps that is the key?
He does get exercise and moderates his food intake. I have never seen him drink to excess, but an occasional cordial before bedtime.


Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
Unadoptedlamp: do stop generalising and speak only for yourself.

The 'fact' that ALL of us here are into pipes for the nicotine, which you and some other clueless persons here believe with religious intensity is bogus.

Personally, my body has an alles oder gar nichts reaction to nicotine: as in it either makes me sick or I don't even feel it. No real in-betweens... no such thing as a nice buzz... no happy feeling... no stimulation that makes me come back for more. Some might remember me asking here time ago, 'how exactly does the nicotine buzz feel???'

When I do feel the nicotine it is always unpleasant: pressure in my chest, jittery feeling, freaking headache, as when I drink too much coffee. Always unpleasant. Let me spell that out for you: U-N-P-L-E-A-S-A-N-T.

Now why in hell would I be addicted to something that makes me sick whenever I manage to feel it?

I'm into pipes for the flavours, because I find it the coolest thing to blow out puffs of smoke, and because I'm an irredeemable show-off. NOT FOR THE NICOTINE.

Also, do stop accusing people you have never ever even met or seen their medical records to be in denial. I am not in denial at all when I plainly tell you I am not addicted to nicotine. If I'm addicted to anything it's alcohol and computer games: now those things I crave, and try to dose on them in moderation. But not nicotine.

Do get off your very high horse before it throws you. Pride is deadlier than nicotine, or even a super-sized cocktail of nicotine, caffeine, heroin, cocaine, marijuana, and crack.


Nov 26, 2018
Lake Martin, AL
Unadopted, I bet you are really a lot of fun at parties. Everyone chooses their vices. I can find studies that will prove air and water will kill you. So what, you think you are going to live forever. We are all adults here and we are not as ignorant as you seem to think. You are not as smart as you seem to think. Get over it.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 19, 2014
olkofri- This whole forum is resting on the foundations of generalizing, sweeping statements, proclamation of unsubstantiated "facts," grand assumptions, contradictions and contrary opinions. That is why people come back. You know this too. It'd be pretty damn boring otherwise.

This particular thread is about health. I'm happy to discuss that and make some statements. I know that opinionated people don't bother you all that much, because the fact that you've posted some couple thousand times means that you've encountered a lot of strong and contrary opinions in other posts.

Clearly, I've touched a nerve. This isn't about pride, being on a soap box (or, errr... horse), or anything else in that vein. There's no reason why any of my comments should strongly offend you. Is there a veiled threat to kill me because of my perceived pride? Surely you are joking... I like a good joke.

I'm an addict. I'm pretty sure you're also an addict but that you just tolerate a lower level of nicotine. (yes, this may be wrong... it's ok, really. I'm not making fun of your parental figures or anything like that) But you're also not weak. What's the problem? It's a thread about health. The health issues related to nicotine addiction are well established.

And, I still say, your body is worth it's weight in diamonds if I'm not right. If I were you, I'd submit to lab testing. It will absolutely be worth it, if what you say does check out. You'll end up with the biggest cellar and finest collection of pipes the world has ever known. Along with a few supercars, beach front residences around the world and anything else you could possibly imagine. The cure is within you!
If you focus on people working with gene editing technology, they may be ripe... because it's probably a genetic trait that you have, rather than something you're eating or where you're living.


Aug 4, 2019
Pacific Northwest
I came to pipes over 30 years ago while escaping cigarettes. I was absolutely addicted to cigarettes and could not go 20 minutes without one. It was the first thing I did in the morning and the last thing at the end of the day. Eventually I developed pre-cancerous oral lesions and I was told they were very likely related to having a cigarette burning constantly. After the surgery I was strongly advised to quit smoking cigarettes... by the pipe smoking M.D. treating me. That was 35 years ago. There is no doubt pipes saved me from cigarettes and helped to preserve my life. These days I smoke, at most, a bowl per day and when the weather is uncomfortable then 1-2 bowls a week, or, if I am in the grip of a virus or other crises, none at all. I can do that with pipes, go a day, or two, or three without losing my perspective.
This is my own anecdotal evidence and not the empirical statistics of a CDC study, but I offer it here.
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Mar 1, 2014
I get the impression this is another study that refuses to classify people who smoke less than one bowl per-day.
The closest equivalent they give to a moderate Pipesmoker is the “former smoker” category, and that in itself is quite revealing when the Relative Risk (table 2) potentially falls below the norm for “never smokers” in almost all cause of death categories.
Don’t inhale, don’t mix Tobacco and Alcohol, and don’t smoke every day.
If you’re a one-bowl-a-week Pipesmoker then the statistic increase in risk is probably so small that it would be impossible to measure.
Mar 1, 2014
I'm a piper! I have a nice collection of both pipes and tobacco. But I don't kid myself about the true motivation behind all of this.

#1. Cultural History.
The last 500 years of human history is so steeped in Pipe Smoking that anyone with any remote interest in historical perspective would be crazy not to have a Tobacco Pipe.

#2. Making time to Relax.
And in my case that’s outdoor relaxation. Maybe I’ll have a proper cave someday, but if my pipes force me to get out of the house I’m just that much better off for it.

3#. Pipes in themselves are genuinely interesting.
You can learn a lot about aerodynamics, carpentry, and agriculture from studying Tobacco Pipes.
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Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
wow so if you smoke a pipe you're twice as likely to die of a whole bunch of cancers as people who've never touched tobacco. So the big question is what rates do non tobacco users die from these diseases? Though pipe smoking is clearly way safer then bacon. I'll put it this way I'd rather be 10 times more likely to die from a meteor strike then twice as likely to die from a fall from a bed (seriously one of the most dangerous things known to man!). Also at what age are they die of these cancers that's a huge question too.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
though to summarize pipe smoking isn't risk free. It's a hell of a lot better then cigarettes. And the biggest take away is that excessive drinking and pipe smoking is a little worse then excessive drinking for messing up the digestive system.


Mar 11, 2018
Shocking news! Smoking may be detrimental to your health.

Here is some advice for reducing the risks of pipe smoking from Seattle Pipe Club. Reducing Risks-Seattle Pipe Club
The following may be the most useful bits from that link:

5) Reducing the risk of tongue burn and/or tongue and mouth cancer.

· A burn or scar from hot smoke is what you are trying to avoid. This can lead to cancer.

· Don’t leave the pipe clenched in your teeth in one position touching your tongue for a long time. Move the pipe around your mouth as you smoke.

· Sip your pipe like a fine wine, don’t draw heavily.

· Find a cool burning tobacco that you enjoy. Aromatic tobaccos tend to burn hotter than do English.

· Always drink while you smoke. This helps cool the mouth, quench the thirst from dry smoke, coat the mouth from hot smoke, and wash away any hot debris. Water, sodas, coffee, tea are fine. Don’t drink anything very hot though.

· However, sorry everyone, do not drink alcohol while you smoke. The combination of alcohol and smoke is not just a linear risk, but exponential. This is a huge mistake most smokers make. The alcohol destroys the flora and protective lining of mucus in the mouth. Then the hot smoke will directly come in contact with the unprotected mouth lining. Drink alcohol only after you smoke.

· Smoking depletes the body of vitamins A and C. Take up to 3000 mg of VC a day. Also take selenium and other antioxidants that will help buffer your body from free radicals, cancer and anti-aging.

6) Medical examination:

At least once a year, tell your physician you are a pipe smoker and would like to have your mouth and tongue examined. Schedule your teeth exams ~ 6 months after your physician’s and have your dentist give another exam. You now have two exams a year, by two different medical specialists.
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May 26, 2015
I'm 66. Enjoyed every moment. I haven't being smoking long. Only started 5 years ago. I wanted to smoke a pipe since I was a kid and 5 years ago decided what the heck, I know all the risks etc. and am glad I did. I get a great deal of peace and contentment sitting in my garage especially this time of year wrapped in my stinky, scorched electric blanket enjoying a bowl of my favorite. I now put a high premium on peace and contentment.


Jul 10, 2018
Las Vegas
Wait a minute. Am I reading this right? Smoking is not healthy? Damnit! If only I had known before this study.

Now that we know this another study will never be conducted and published. If only someone had thought to do a study earlier.
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The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Smoking isn't a healthy habit. Rationalize it all you want. Pipe smoking seems to vary a bit from cigarette smoking regarding the cancers related to it, which isn't such a big surprise. All of the rationalizing smokers indulge in is just about predicting the odds that they will avoid contracting cancer. Maybe some whistling past the graveyard going on there.

That bit about pipe smokers living longer got debunked in a later study. It's not just the Nic that'll kill you, it's all the byproducts of combustion. Bummer.

Let's all just accept and embrace our self destructiveness in the pursuit of pleasures and escapes from consequences. That's what makes life more interesting until it ends.
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