Nothing's changed Georged, they still suck! Never can figure out why people would buy one, much less two!
In those days there were only two short wheelbase choices: CJ's and Toyota FJ40's.
I didn't (at the time) want to mess with metric & etc., Toyota was something of an unknown quantity, and I was a hard-headed 'Murrican. I figured Jeep #1 was on outlier, in other words.
After #2 also turned out to be a POS, I did have two FJ40's. While not junk, they had significant problems of their own. Rusted like an old soup can, for example.
Oh well. It was all fun at the time because no one knew differently. (Land Rovers were too anemic to take seriously off road, and International's Scout was too big to fit into hardcore 4X4 places.)
This is my second FJ. A 1977 model. The photo was taken in 1982: