As many of you know I manage/run a bike shop now. Well today I was sitting on a stool puffing away overhauling a road bike. It had been fairly slow all day and I was day dreaming when the sound of the door brought me back. This scraggly looking 8 year old and his mom came in. As usual I said hello and said if they needed help to let me know. The boy was looking at children's mountain bikes and was asking me all about bikes. He then noticed my leg from under my cut off jeans. I told him that I had lost it in an accident and he left it at that. While looking at bikes the boys mother apologized for being a bother and said that there was no way she could afford the boy a bike this year. She explained it was only her and we son and her income was just enough to cover bills and grocerys. I felt something about that woman and her son and went over to the boy and told him to pick any bike he wanted. The mother insisted they couldn't pay. I then told her that her money was no good in my store. I told her just keep taking care of her son and if the opportunity should ever come to pay it forward. Her son left with a new bike and helmet and the mother was in tears and gave me a hug. Now the reason I told this story is because when I had lost all my pipes this forums members helped me rebuild my collection. And when I lost my leg this forums members sent gifts. I swore that ever given the chance I would do the same.