First of all, 9 pipes is not PAD. It is the beginning of a small, functional collection. The way to determine how many pipes you need is to multiply the number of briars you smoke daily by the number of days rest they need to smoke well. I smoke about 8 pipes a day and use them on 4 days rest, sometimes 5. So 8X5=40. That's my minimum needed. If you want to reduce that number get some meerschaums. They may be smoked every day, even several times a day. Therefore if half your smoking is with meers, 4 briars X 5=20 briars and 2 meers smoked twice a day =8 good smokes with only 22 pipes. If they were all meerschaums, 4 pipes smoked twice a day would do it. Obviously the solution is to get meerschaums from now on. I like pipes. I do not consider it a disorder, but my right to have as many as I want. This is because my wife is self supporting. So when I set my limit, I set it at 100 pipes. If I get close to that number, I sell a few that I don't smoke often. Your number may be 10, 15 or 20. Set it and don't go over it. If you have the will to quit cigarettes, this is relatively easy. Have fun.