Overrated & Underrated Tobacco

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Dec 24, 2012
A Saturday morning quiz.
Which tobacco do you think is the most overrated and why? Which is the most underrated and why?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 21, 2012
I personally think most esoterica products are overrated(I haven't tried Penzance, but I've had several others). Don't get me wrong, they are decent tobaccos, made with quality raw ingredients, but I don't think they justify all the fuss around them, and are not really worth the hassle of finding some. As for the underrated tobaccos, nothing really comes to mind except maybe good OTC's like Carter Hall and Granger. No fuss, super easy to find, very cheap, and IMO very simple, straightforward smoke, but then again, I'm not sure if you can say they are underrated.



Jun 27, 2012
Overrated: Black House

Underrated: 4Noggin's Prairie Wind
Peck I'd like to thank you for getting me flamed....lol.
I think Black House got a GREAT push largely due to this forum and that's great. It's a great product on a lot of counts in my opinion. 1.The name. 2.The tin. 3.The Blender is widely respected and ENGAGED in the community. 4.Baron and the Blackbloods here on this board. 5.It's not my cup of tea to smoke but it's interesting to me.
I think all that over hyped the actual taste a bit. But holy hell did all of the above sell a lot of tins.
I think Prairie Wind flies under the radar a bit due to the fact that it's a bulk and only available from Rich. 1.It's a bulk with nothing other then a name to sell it (no artwork or presentation). 2.I wouldn't know about it but I've been stalking the VaPer crowd on this board and bugging them with PMs. 3.It's just a smooth "cool" smoke with the right lite touches of Virginia, Perique, and soft almost vanilla taste to it. I almost want to call it a crossover VaPer of sorts.
Some blends you save for a specific time or you get a craving for. Prairie Wind is pretty much an all day, any time smoke for me.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 6, 2011
OK, I'll play.....
My list of overrated blends might get me branded as a heretic! First off is Full Virginia Flake, which usually sells out within hours of its appearance here in the USA. While I admire its strength and the quality of its presentation, I find FVF to be....well, boring. I have had a handful of epic, transcendental smokes during which I think I finally understand its appeal, but those are very much the exceptions. I think SG is a fine company and FVF is a fine example of a straight VA flake, but I hardly find it to be the holy grail of VA.

Other overrated blends, to my mind, include the famous duo of Penzance and Stonehaven. There is nothing wrong with the fine blends, mind you. Both are unique and delicious, but at the same time neither would make my Top Ten "desert island" list, much less compel me to spend the kind of money they routinely fetch. This just goes to remind me of how very subjective this hobby can be at times!
On a more positive note, there are a host of underrated gems on the market right now. Here are some of my favorites:

Exhausted Rooster -- this is basically a more burley oriented version of Haddo's Delight. Great flavor, great strength, great burning characteristics.
Cairo -- One of GL Pease's oldest products, this oriental blend tastes and smells like nothing else on the market (that I've encountered, anyhow). Cairo is complex and deceptively strong, nic-wise.
Fusilier's Ration -- This is a new blend from Russ Oulette, and it's already shot straight to the top of English/Balkan rotation. An homage to the old Bengal Slices.
Sextant -- To my taste buds, this is GL Pease's spin on a traditional American English blend (for the record, he describes it as a Navy Flake plus latakia). The latakia and kentucky are used as condiments here, and the rum topping nearly undetectable in the smoke. What really shines here are the virginias and orientals. Whatever you call it, it's one of Pease's very best efforts. I'd rather smoke this than Bohemian Scandal or Westminster, though perhaps not as much as Odyssey.
Smokies Smoke-Ease -- By far the most obscure blend on this list, Smokies Smoke-Ease is a bulk house blend from the Gatlin-Burlier (a B&M in Gatlinburg, TN). While this stores mainly sells aromatics, this is a non-aromatic mixture with virginias, latakia, a little unsweetened black cavendish and a LOT of turkish. In fact, I've never encountered a blend that put this much focus on the turkish leaf, which lends it a sour/savory flavor that is perfectly balanced against the cavendish and virginia. I've also gotten in the habit of mixing it with lat-bombs such as Odyssey to boost the complexity and improve the burn characteristics.

Dec 24, 2012
jan - I agree with you on Blackhouse.
Doc - I don't agree on FVF. I am smoking some now in fact and it is just sublime. Is it at the apex of flakes - I dunno - but it's certainly in my top 5 or 6.
I will have to pick up some prairie wind. I also have two tins of Cairo put away but have never actually tried that blend. I will have to give it a whirl.
Unfortunately I can't buy Fusilier's Ration because P&C doesn't ship to Canada.



Sep 14, 2011
Overrated - Codger burleys. Not worth smoking, IMO, but the number of threads praising Carter Hall, etc. boggles the mind.
Underrated? I ain't saying. Don't want folks going nuts and making them hard to find. :D



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 17, 2012
Peck, you and a few others might not agree with me but HH Old Dark Fired. I'm part way through a tin and just can't get myself to like it. I'll put it away to try it later I suppose. Underrated? Sutliff's Blend No. 5. To me, it's a really great English blend. Just my 2 cents.



Part of the Furniture Now
May 3, 2012
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
+1 jah76
On underrated tobaccos: 4noggins Prairie Wind is right up there. A smooth, sweet, no-bite, inexpensive tobacco that is one of my favorites. I've got several pounds cellared and will probably put several more put away before the end of the world comes (the dread taxes raise their head).



Jan 30, 2012
Hazel Green AL
FVF way overrated in my book, Also Peterson tobacco in general from what I've tried. Underrated Sutliff tobacco in general, they have some bad ones but a few are fantastic.



Jun 2, 2011
OVERRATED: Some might not like this, but I agree with Jud to a degree and say most of the codger blends. I actually like most of them, Carter Hall and Walnut are particular favorites, and have no problem smoking them when I want something simple, might smoke one today while washing the car. However, some people go off about them as if they are going to transport you to a smoking nirvana where angels will dance on your face.
UNDERRATED: Well, I happen to be a big fan of both Sillem's Black and Black Mallory, but hear very little talk about them.



Feb 21, 2013
Codger blends overrated? It seems to me that they are favored and scorned in about equal parts. My suspicion is that

burley in general simply doesn't register with some peoples' tastebuds and does fine with others. I'd say Burley rating

is a wash, balances out. If people are enjoying a blend, they may overrate it, but so what? I'd rather have 'em

enthusiastic than tight-lipped. Not everyone may like Frog Morton, but a little hoo-ha from those who like it is a good

Underrated? I too like Lane's 1-Q, but I also like their recently re-introduced LL-7. It's a little more sweet, but still

nicely balanced, a gentle and companionable smoke. Five Brothers is a cheapie OTC, but it is also a fine (if quick)

smoke. Underrated for sure. Also, Tinder Box's North Sea is a great old blend, but seldom mentioned.



Nov 12, 2012
One of the most underrated aromatic blends in my opinion is SG Firedance flake. It is their Best Brown Flake topped with Blackberry brandy and a hint of vanilla. It comes out wet in the tin, but after considerable drying time it is one of the best aros I have had the pleasure to try.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 11, 2012
Classic trolling post :)

Right up there with Apple vs. PC, Linux vs. Windows, Nemoy vs. Data, and Hitler vs. Godzilla.
Come on - taste is so subjective that you are guaranteed to get everybody to either rate a blend below the average or above the average rating across the community...



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 21, 2013
I am far too new to the hobby, and very inexperienced, so when it comes to knowing what is overrated vs. underrated, I have not a clue.
I will say that out of the three blends I have smoked thus far that Carter Hall is heads and shoulders above Prince Albert and Super Value Chocolate.
I wish I had more to add to this interesting topic, but that's all I have smoked. :eek:p



May 25, 2012
there are others in Stonehaven's genre that I much prefer, including blends by Solani, Gawith & Hoggarth and even Mac Baren
Care to name names? I love burley blends and have yet to smoke Stonehaven, so this intrigues me.



May 25, 2012
Penzance: Yes, it's good and yes, it's unique, but I wouldn't pay much of a premium (in time or money) for it. Never mind that it's a PITA to pack and smoke.
Solani 633 (Vaper): I love Vapers and VA flakes. To me, this is the best on the market. Even better than Escudo. There's such a vibrant, fruity sweetness in this blend that I've yet to find anywhere else. It's not that 633 is mentioned from time to time as a great Vaper, but to me it ranks right up there with Escudo and other notable VA's, such as FVF.
Gawith Hoggarth Best Brown #2: To me, this is one of the most complex VA flakes around. Sweet, tangy and oh-so-easy to pack and light. It's got sweetness, nuttiness, grassiness and a healthy dose of leather/barn flavors. At least as good as Sam. G. Best Brown Flake or FVF.

Dec 24, 2012
Come on - taste is so subjective that you are guaranteed to get everybody to either rate a blend below the average or above the average rating across the community...
I don't understand the point. 95% of what we talk about on here is subjective. There would be 5 threads a month if we applied your standard. The whole point of a forum is to disseminate views.



May 25, 2012
I haven't had Solani Silver Flake, but have had Brown Flake U/S. Are you suggesting both of these are similar to Stonehaven, or just that they are good Vaburs?
This is a good thread, good question. Certainly some blends get more "press" and hooha than others. Most hyped blends? FVF, Penzance, Stonehaven definitely rank up there -- and probably because they're so hard to get, especially Penzance and Stonehaven. Escudo is highly regarded but not the subject of so much hooha, probably because you can just click and order however many tins you want.



May 25, 2012
Come to think of it, if Escudo were to go out of production, I bet it would join the Sobranie blends in the Unobtainium market. Same goes for Dunhill 965 and EMP.

Dunhill 965.
This is a GREAT English blend. Nothing about its flavor profile blows you away, but it is a wonderful, well-balanced, delicate blend. Fragrant orientals, sweet VA's, malty cavendish and a sweet, refined latakia. If it were to go out of production, people would go far out of their way to obtain it.
Dunhill Early Morning Pipe. Everything that applies to 965 applies to EMP. If it went out of production (permanently, I mean), I think it would be highly sought after.

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