Overrated & Underrated Tobacco

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Dec 12, 2012
wng wrote:
What can you say to change my mind?
If you like it, why would I want to change your mind? The OP asked what blends we each thought were over/under rated. So that means this thread is composed of personal opinions. And my experience is this: I haven't had an H&H blend yet that delivered in flavor or aroma the constituent leaf advertised in the blend. Price and availability have nothing to do with whether or not I like a blend or want to have it in my cellar. The only thing that matters to me is the actual experience of smoking a blend. So far, I've tried three H&H blends -- one of which was shared by a friend who only identified it by the name, so I had no idea who the blender was -- and each one was a disappointment.
If you like them -- and clearly many here do -- then by all means enjoy them!



Dec 12, 2012
quincy wrote:
Presbyterian Blend is SOOOO underrated! People never talk about it on here. I LOVE it! Of course, I may be a bit biased seeing that I'm a Presbyterian Minister. However, I've been jonesing a tin of this stuff lately and seeing this post almost makes me want to hop in the car right now and drive the distance to my B&M to pick it up. I don't understand why it's never mentioned on here.
If you search the Forums, I think you'll see that Presbyterian Mixture actually comes up pretty often. It just gets overshadowed by all of the conversations regarding Virginias, VaPers, and English mixtures. Those conversations are so popular and frequent that it's easy for the great oriental-forward blends -- and I'd definitely put Presbyterian in that category -- to get overlooked. I think it's probably also true that fewer pipe smokers gravitate to oriental-forward blends or focus on them as much as they do the other categories of blends. After all, it's not unusual to hear of folks who only smoke Virginias or VaPers or who only smoke English or Balkan blends. I don't think I've ever heard of a pipe smoker who only smoked oriental-forward blends. Those blends tend to be more change-of-pace smokes than daily favorites.
I've got 20 tins in the cellar, though, and you're making me wish I had more! :)



Dec 12, 2012
Never said I hated them. But, honestly, if a brand is 0 for 3 in terms of satisfaction -- when I know for a fact that I should enjoy all of the constituent leaf going into those blends -- then I'm not going to keep going back there when there are so many other blenders whose work I really enjoy. (But I feel similarly about Cornell & Diehl; I can't tell you how many different C&D blends I've tried, and I've only liked one of them, which has been discontinued.)
I think it's safe to say that every good blender has a particular style or flavor profile they're drawn to, regardless of the style of blend they're producing (English, aromatics, whatever). It seems perfectly reasonable to me to conclude that some people's tastes may simply not jibe with a blender's particular profile. And that's where I stand with H&H. I don't see any logical reason to try to force the issue.



Can't Leave
Mar 1, 2013
I've heard some people with the same POV as above for beers. Had a friend who was CRAZY about Sam Adams beers. Didn't like any Saranac brews that he tried.
I argued that he just liked the name of Sam Adams, but he begged to differ. Something about a sophisticated palate.
But I can understand what you're getting at. Not enjoying the blender's "style." Would be interesting to do a blind taste test (for tobacco, bourbon, beer, etc.). What would be even more interesting is taking a brand that someone doesn't like, and putting a label on it from a brand that someone does like. To see if they are more influenced by the sticker.



Jun 16, 2012
Misterrogers that GIF had me rolling! It's true I will survive the dunking and be put to death at the stake, so be it just be sure to pile on some ODF to the fire and I'll die a happy witch.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 5, 2010
No one else will say it so I will...
Over-rated: Captain Bob's Blend. Primarily due to the fact that it is simply a "very-light" English Blend containing a small amount of Latakia to round out the tobacco flavor and it is an aromatic (in minority of English) that women love, yet the man does taste tobacco.
Under-rated: Two Friends Heritage. Craig Tarler's go-to smoke. In fact that is all he smoked out of his 350 blends created under his hand! No Latakia. Just a wonderful all day smoke of a Virginia's Medley. A miniscule drop of flavor to bring out the sweetness of the Virginia. Created in 1999 with GL Pease. It is in my regular rotation with the blends I created with the help of Craig Tarler.




May 16, 2013
Over-rated =

Anything Samuel Gawith - (have tried Golden glow, Black cherry, SL, Firedance)

WAAAAAAY too much PG, not enough tobacco flavour, phantom toppings.

especially Squadron Leader (Tastes like those herbal cigarettes/fresh air, wheres the tobacco?)

Peterson University Flake - not a bad smoke but too much PG, wheres the plum? (all I get is marmite)
Under-rated =

Mac Baren 7 seas red (finally a cherry you can actually taste),

Rattrays Sweet Fragrant (finally a vanilla you can actually taste),

McLintock Creme de Cassis (I really want to drink it - best room note ever)

Log Cabin (Nice rich non-aro Va/Burley/Kentucky flake - Cant find a review anywhere!),

Amstel (non-aro I smoked 20+ years ago - cant even find a trace of it ever existing, was I in a parallel universe? Think Condor without the lakeland essence. My desert island tobac)

Apr 6, 2013
Underrated: W. Ø. Larsen's Old Fashioned that I just wrote a review of. Mostly because so few people knows and talk about. I think it is so well-made, prof. in every detail.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 3, 2013
OR: Boswell's Northwoods

UR: Villiager/Newminster #403 Superior Round Slices



Nov 13, 2012
OR - Mac Baron 7 sea's, Escudo, SG FVF and Squadron Leader
UR - Penzance. It is for me the best English style tobacco I have ever smoked period. My mouth waters when I take out a flake and start crumbling it up. The poster that earlier mentioned difficulties packing/lighting you just need to crumble it out and let it sit 1 hour. I've never had an issue. If I had to choose one tobacco to spend the rest of my life with this would be it or maybe Magnum Opus.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 7, 2013
Am going to reserve comments on overrated, as my own tastes may change, but underrated?
For me, it's Wilke's Rum Cake. I was of neutral opinion after my first bowl, but my last two have sold me on this as a favorite. Nice aroma - don't find it overwhelming. More importantly, it has a richness of taste that I personally am unable to define. Stays lit well, and is a good blend to use when breaking in a new pipe, IMHO. (See my thread on my new Onda observations and questions.)
Just ordered more to go along with a new Peterson and an estate Peterson.



Mar 5, 2013
St. Louis, MO
Welcome Kiwipipe!
OR: Penzance, ODF and sad to say FMC. Yes they are all very good and I would buy them accept that more often than not you cannot buy them most of the time. With the exception of FMC they are not even in my top 10 and as much as I enjoy FMC it really wasn't as good as all the hype and 5 out of 5 ratings.
UR: Kind of a broad response but I would say most blends by Sutliff regardless of your tobacco preferrences they have a quality tinned blend that probably suits you very well and costs about the same as an OTC pouch. (Seriously like $6) My personal favorites being Man's Best Friend and Balkan Luxury Blend.



May 17, 2012
This week, my opinion is...
Overrated- Carter Hall. I just don't get it yet, I'll take Sugar Barrel instead any day.
Underrated- 4Noggins aromatics. Extremely well done aros. I know that if you're not an aromatic smoker you probably won't consider them, but I'd have no problem recommending them to anyone as a change of pace. Covered Bridges, Lord Methley, and of course...Three Blind Moose! Solid.



Can't Leave
May 30, 2013
Overrated- Squadron Leader. I enjoy it, but there are some people of speak of it as a mythical tobacco.

Underrated- GLP Cairo & McCelland's Oriental Mixture No. 1. Both of these are fine tobaccos with a lots of VA and deep and complex flavor profile. While nothing like each other in the way they taste due to different types of VA, I see these as amazing examples of the way that a small amount of a condiment tobacco can really bring an entire blend together.



Feb 21, 2013
Under-rated: Lane's LL-7, the recently re-introduced aromatic that is a tasty cousin to Q-1.

Try it, you'll like it. Available in bulk.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
I'm pretty much strictly an aromatic smoker.
I'd have to say as far as underrated aromatics goes CAO's Moontrance is a good one that isn't mentioned much. A nice light fruity flavor and noticeable taste of the Virginia leaf as well. Burns wonderful all the way to the bottom and doesn't bite as long as it's sipped on.
As far as overrated I'd have to say Ennerdale flake. I hear a number of guys enjoying it and I just don't understand. That blend was the first one that gave me the soapy chemically taste a lot of guys complain about with aromatics and it stayed with me well after the smoke.

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