We educate our six children--aged 13 and below--at home, and although my savvy wife shoulders the proverbial lion's share of that, I jump in on those things which fall within my wheelhouse: history and literature, as well as some grammar and writing.
I temporarily suspected that being a good dad excluded much in the way of my other interests, but I'm glad to find that such compartmentalizing assumptions are modern and unnecessary. In fact, it may be that a man's various pursuits are platforms on which to be a better dad than he otherwise might have been, if he'll embrace the inefficiencies (which are enormous) entailed in involving his kids.
Sure, some things have gone to the wayside. Motorcycles come to mind. But it was probably time to be done with that, anyway.
Trad archery is a primary interest of mine, which brings with it a variety of sub-interests. That's a whole world in itself.
I used to teach medieval literature, and it remains a love of mine. Great literature in general, really. We read as a family quite a bit--currently finishing up Lewis's Cosmic Trilogy (first time for the kids, second for my wife, and I think fourth time for me).
I've started making retro style, fiberglass fly rods, but I'm a wholly unsuccessful fly fisherman. In the coming years I'd like for fly fishing to become as major a thing for me as trad archery is. I think it's uniquely well suited to fostering family cohesion.
I used to backpack, climb, and camp a lot, and the kids are finally getting old enough to do that with me at a higher level.
I read and dabble at writing in some theological interests. Recently that's take a more patristic turn.
I've been trying to build out a wood shop with used stuff off craigslist. I'm inexperienced at this juncture, but a nearby codger is helping me get started.
One shift I'm choosing is to dig more deeply into standing interests, rather than allow myself to be distracted by exciting new vistas which rise before me from time to time. For instance, a friend of mine recently got into putting together and modifying automatic time pieces, and I've found it so fascinatingly beautiful that I've been tempted to take that plunge myself. But that would be a bad call for me.