That's in comparison to blends that change with aging. Aros when stored airtight will often taste exactly as they did when jarred.It is generally agreed that aging is not beneficial for aromatic tobacco, so very few cellar the CB blends or their Lane equivalents.
:clap:The more I get into smoking a pipe, the more (it seems) the dimestore blends had it right to begin with..
When you can find it with its ever increasing price. I can still get a 14 ounce tub of CH, PA, SWR, or CB locally for under $30.Please, continue to believe this. Leaves more Gawith & Hoggarth for the rest of us.
This is why drugstore blends are still around - not because they are better, but because they are inexpensive and easily available. They are the MacDonald's of the pipe tobacco world. If you like them, smoke them by all means.I can still get a 14 ounce tub of CH, PA, SWR, or CB locally for under $30.
1Q goes well with tea too, especially the floral type Oolongs and Pu-erhs. I'm having it as I type with a nice, aged sun-died Qianjiazhai black & flower tea from cake.1Q goes great with coffee
Anyone know off hand who makes an eqiv. or better in bulk similar flavor profile toBorkum Riff Bourbon Whiskey